Should I trust him when I've never trusted before? - Comments

  • DaniiUnordinary

    DaniiUnordinary (100)

    United States
    Okay I had to stop reading after I read the bit about girls asking for money. You should NOT worry about exes coming back because if they're asking for money they're nothing more than 20 dollar whores. And you obviously care more about other issues like trying to keep your relationship in good condition rather than a good fuck for money. As for the love thing, I've never really believed in it, but I've never really had something like that to compare too. So, I have no idea but put your heart to whatever you care about and keep trying to trust Tomi. He obviously cares about you and the relationship you have. :]
    February 10th, 2010 at 11:23pm
  • flowersareforeating

    flowersareforeating (100)

    United States
    I believe it is a bit too soon. It would be best to wait at least a year because truly only time can tell. I also believe that marriage is best after college. because if you do end up married and have a child at least you can support him/her and live a life similar to what you dreamed of. Don't rush into things. You're young and he's young too. So unless one of you is going to spontaneously combust just take your time, graduate from high school and then see what path to take from there.
    Now I feel like I just spread some crappy wisdom so I'm going to stop writing now-
    January 26th, 2010 at 07:07am
  • Petra

    Petra (205)

    United States
    Three months is, I think, too soon to be completely in love. You're probably falling, which is the scariest feeling in the world.
    If you truely care about him, don't let anything stop you two from being together. Trust me, I'd had my fair share of obstacles.

    There are three stages of love, and to me, it sounds like the second one.
    1 Romantic Feelings
    2 Physical Attraction
    3 Emotional Attachment
    January 26th, 2010 at 06:28am