Dear Journal - Comments

  • Lady Sunshine

    Lady Sunshine (100)

    United States
    Of course everyone wants constructive criticism, but not everyone wants to give it.

    I know that personally, I just like to be able to get my head into a story and live in it until it's all done, and sometimes even after. When I'm into a story, I'm not picking out all the things they could of done better; I'm not in editor mode, I'm in reader mode.

    When I'm in my editor mode, I don't really get into the story. I really like editing stories and can still get enjoyment out of the story when I do, but at certain times, and not every time I decide to take a look at a story.

    Maybe you should ask a trusted friend that is also a writer, or even somebody on here to beta your work? That way, you can get the feedback you want, and at the same time, it's always good to have your work looked over before you publish it (or post if to Mibba).

    Eventually, your most dedicated readers will give you a review, and you'll get more opinions. It just takes time, because not everybody has the time to give one, even if they'd like to.

    v. I might check out that website once I get something decent written :]
    January 26th, 2010 at 09:21pm
  • Billy Michealangelo

    Billy Michealangelo (105)

    United States
    i agree. i like to get feedback on my liturature.
    hey, im going to be writing a series of one-shots for the fair soon and im going to need people to vote on which one i should enter in the fair this july.
    would u help?
    January 26th, 2010 at 09:21pm
  • harper

    harper (200)

    United States
    If you're looking for feedback there is a link on my profile to a site called Project Fiction, they've got excellent beta readers that will give you really nice and detailed advice and constructive critisicm.
    January 26th, 2010 at 08:49pm