Therapists. - Comments

  • dragongirl142

    dragongirl142 (100)

    United States
    I had to go see my brother's therapist today (which meant i got to skip the morning half of school) because she wanted to meet me finally and get my insight on his whole situation. But she just seemed to ask the general questions that you could get out of "how to be a therapist 101".

    I myself, hope to be either a therapist or a author or both in the future. I just hope I am not one of those boring ones who do nothing but annoy instead of actually helping thier patients.

    Sometimes, I feel like that too, that i have no one to go to for advice. Because even though I have a big support group of my parents and close friends. Idk, sometimes I feel like they can't possible understand what i go through sometimes because i can barley understand it.

    January 28th, 2010 at 06:58am
  • bona drag.

    bona drag. (935)

    I like my psychotherapist. He's a pretty rad guy. He's not there to solve my problems, his purpose is to let me vent and give me suggestions on how to cope. Therapy isn't a fix all and someone isn't going to have one session with you and immediately be able to help. I've been seeing my guy for four years. Only in the last two have I really felt he's figured out how to direct suggestions based around me, not based around what a textbook says to say. Ultimately, my psychotherapist is someone that helps me tons to cope with my feelings and the things going on in my mind, but he can't make them go away.

    If you're considering therapy, consider that it will take several sessions to feel like you're really making progress and there is no such thing as "the answer" to all your problems. I can't tell you if it would be worth it for you or not, but what's it gonna hurt to try?
    January 28th, 2010 at 06:07am