Names [A little insight and a few questions; I'm only a little curious=D] - Comments

  • dark-skater

    dark-skater (100)

    New Zealand
    1) I've always liked my middle name, which is the one I get called by Kimberley. I used to hate my first name Amber though now I love it

    2) Do you have a nickname? Who gave it to you? So many, I used to hate them but now most people call me Kimi, Kim, Kimbolini etc and I don't mind it.

    3) When you were little did you want a different name? I always wanted a different sort of name like Destiny, Demelza or Shila

    4) What do you think about your name today and how do you think it relates to you as a person now? I like my name, currently Amber better than Kimberley, but I think they both kind of suit me, it confuses people because some people know me as Amber and some don't even know thats my first name
    January 29th, 2010 at 07:19am
  • moonyandpadfoot

    moonyandpadfoot (150)

    United States
    They grow into it. I think.

    1) No, not really. :/ Emi always seemed so short..and...I dunno. :/
    2) Yeah, like three. Remus, Moony, and Emzee. XD Remus and Moony are from my best friend (who also loves Harry Potter) and Emzee is from my most weirdest and funniest friend, Rachel. :D Arms
    3) I dunno. I really didn't care.
    4) I have no idea. I guess it's alright, but it always sounds weird in my head. But it's so freaking annoying when people think my name is short for Emily. No, it's not - it's Japanese. >.<
    January 29th, 2010 at 05:51am
  • Hannahdoll

    Hannahdoll (100)

    United States
    1) Have you always like your name?
    Yeah, until people started calling me Hannah Montana...that gotten annoying the second time someone did that.

    2) Do you have a nickname? Who gave it to you?
    I have lots... my fiance's best friend calls me Banana.
    My fiance calls me HannahBear.

    3) When you were little did you want a different name?
    I love that name soooo much for some reason.

    4) What do you think about your name today and how do you think it relates to you as a person now?

    I actually love my name....and I think it fits me perfectly.
    January 29th, 2010 at 02:29am
  • In Dreams Amy

    In Dreams Amy (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    i think if you dont like your name then you just learn to accept it.

    1)1) Have you always like your name?

    i suppose so...there were phases i loved it and phases i hated it :)

    2) Do you have a nickname? Who gave it to you?

    yes- Socks. From my good friend Nicole.

    3) When you were little did you want a different name?

    Ive always loved the name Hayley, but i did quite like my name. I remember wishing that it was short for Amelia though.

    4) What do you think about your name today and how do you think it relates to you as a person now?

    i like my name now :) although there are TOO many Amy's in the world


    January 29th, 2010 at 01:11am
  • Spalana

    Spalana (100)

    United States
    I think people grow into their names

    1) No, I used to want to be named Brittany, and now I really like the name Samantha but I don't want that to be my name.
    2) I have a ton!! The one I have had sense I was little was given to me by my dad
    3) Yeah, I wanted to be Brittany
    4) I love my name, not many people have it so I really like it. It relates to me well, because when people think Bethany, they don't think Bethany who? they think Oh Bethany! so I am well known
    January 29th, 2010 at 12:43am
  • realise

    realise (100)

    New Zealand
    I think neither. The name you are given

    1) Have you always liked your name? I think, subconsciously, I've always loved it. It's unique, (the REAL unique) and just...different, much like myself. It's Heliena, by the way.
    2) Do you have a nickname? Who gave it to you? Haha, I have several nicknames. "Heliena-Berry" was given to me by my Aunty Darrinee, and she still uses it. An old nickname I used to have was "Thumbalina" which my dad gave me. And a recent one which my mum and brother created to get me to do dishes - "Berrylicious" (and yes, it works).
    3) When you were little did you want a different name? I didn't want one, I had one. It was "Elie." Everyone used to call me that and one point, around five years old, my parents asked me if I wanted to permanently change it, because I was no longer Heliena. But I said no (although I have sort of convinced my friends to call me "Elie" lately).
    4) What do you think about your name today and how do you think it relates to you as a person now? I love my name now and I am glad I didn't have it changed, because then I wouldn't be "Heliena" as a whole, I would be "Elie" as a whole and I don't know if I would be better or worse as a person.
    January 29th, 2010 at 12:39am
  • coup de foudre.

    coup de foudre. (105)

    United States
    chantal sutherland. One of my nicknames is Nikki (spelled Nikky, Nikkie, Nickie, Nicky, Nicki and many other ways; I'm amazed at how people come up with these different ways of spelling it). Well December is close to January... if you go backwards :D
    January 29th, 2010 at 12:12am
  • coup de foudre.

    coup de foudre. (105)

    United States
    dexter I like the nickname Dexter :D

    Clark Kent;; Yeah, people tell me my name is rare but honestly it's rare where we live

    ControlledChaos11I can't see myself with another name either.

    Nero. Awhh, thanks :D

    Aelf That's true.
    January 29th, 2010 at 12:08am
  • roe.

    roe. (100)

    United States
    Hm, I think people grow into their names. I used to hate my name, but I like it now.

    1. No, not really.
    2. Well, there's Tasha-bear given to me by my neighbor's son. We used to hang out all the time, and I guess it just stuck. He still calls me that on occasion. Then my best friend's dad calls me Tasha-Lee even though my middle name's actually Ann. Then there's the common Tash my friends call me.
    3. Yup, I think mine was Nikky or Hayley, actually.
    4. I love my name because so few people have it. I mean that one girl on barney had it and this girl at my Church has it, but over all, I love my name. See, my dad called me Tasha after a girl on star trek - all because he thought she was attractive. My name means born on Christmas day .. and I was born in January.
    January 29th, 2010 at 12:04am
  • vaporwave

    vaporwave (160)

    1) Have you always like your name? - I always hated it. Now I like it.
    2) Do you have a nickname? Who gave it to you? - Kenny, derived from Kendra. I can't remember who gave it to me, I think it was just a given.
    3) When you were little did you want a different name? - YES. I wanted to be Zoe. XD
    4) What do you think about your name today and how do you think it relates to you as a person now? - It means 'wisdom'... I don't think that too true.

    By the way, I freaking love your username. XD
    January 29th, 2010 at 12:02am
  • colorful language

    colorful language (100)

    United States
    I think people grow into their names. When you think about it, is there really anyone you know that really 'fit' any other names?

    1. I guess I didn't really care, but when I was younger my favorite name always changed.
    2. Some people call me Kat (short for Kathleen), but that's just my grandpa, my softball team (they just randomly started calling me that and I just kidna went with it), my Science teacher, my's really kinda random. And I have an embarrassing nickname with my family =/ One of my best friends calls me "K-leen" from when we were like 5.
    3. I always wanted a different name but it switched every week. Now, I can't really seee myself with any other name.
    4. Umm, I really don't know.
    January 29th, 2010 at 12:02am
  • dreamcatcher;

    dreamcatcher; (255)

    New Zealand
    I think people grow into their names :)

    1) No, I've gone through stages where I wanted to change it like you :)
    2) Well everyone shortens my name because it's too long so they call me Gen, when I was younger I was Genny XP and then my friends call me GenGen or Genve haha.
    3) Yeah definitely, but I never wanted a normal name - just a different one. I liked Madison, Jezabel and Aliyah as I was growing up haha.
    4) I love my name, but I still don't think it suits me really - my friends tell me it does because it's rare and unique like me. I guess they don't realize the name is super popular in France...
    January 29th, 2010 at 12:02am
  • Aelf

    Aelf (100)

    coup de foudre: Children don't get lots of things. But the thing about children is that most of them become adults.

    Also, I got called a douchebag on this site because my name is Aelfric. I thought that was pretty hilarious, and just goes to show that the aforementioned theory isn't universal. XD
    January 29th, 2010 at 12:01am
  • dexter

    dexter (450)

    People grow into their names. I was the only 'Daniela' at my previous school, a bit annoying since alot of people pronounced my name wrong but idk, I guess I'm still in the process of getting used to the name. :\

    1) Not at all.
    2) Most of my online friends know me as Dexter. I gave myself the nickname.
    3) Yes. ._.
    4) It doesn't, I pretty much dislike it. xD
    January 28th, 2010 at 11:58pm
  • Dots

    Dots (100)

    South Africa
    I think a name grows onto a person.
    When I was small I used to not like my name
    I have a few nicnames. More terms of affection I guess. My mummy and aunty calls me Ayesh. My other aunty calls me shookie or shooks. Our domestic calls me nana or shookoola (o_O) and our shop domestic calls me lolo=l
    yes I wanted another name when I was 6=l I wanted to be called Nazmira... Yap that died out.
    And now I love love love my name and hate when people I don't know shorten it or give me nicnames aaand well apparantly all Ayesha's talk alot and well ya I just fit that description I guess=)
    January 28th, 2010 at 11:58pm
  • coup de foudre.

    coup de foudre. (105)

    United States
    Aelf I like uncommon names. They're not restricted by the way society perceives past people who have been named common names like Ashley or Daniel or something. But I think children don't understand the beauty of a name so they immediately try to joke about names they've never heard before. And that is not cool.
    January 28th, 2010 at 11:57pm
  • Aelf

    Aelf (100)

    I think people grow into their names.

    1. I liked it before I realised it was so odd, and now I like it because it's odd.
    2. I get mispronunciations a lot- Alf, mostly, but I also get Alfie.
    3. I think I tried to cultivate nicknames for a while- all of them embarrassing.
    4. I don't have any other Aelfrics to compare myself to, so the name is pretty much defined by whatever I want it to be.
    January 28th, 2010 at 11:53pm
  • coup de foudre.

    coup de foudre. (105)

    United States
    False Illusions; Oh I used to get bullied but for my last name because it is chocolate and rhymes with "Trudge". Some people still annoy me about it but I don't care anymore :D I think your name is pretty.

    Looouise I like your name too. I have a lot of nicknames too. I can't keep track of them. Haha.
    January 28th, 2010 at 11:52pm
  • False Illusions;

    False Illusions; (100)

    I was just like you. XD I used to pretend to be other names when I was younger but now I'm happy.

    1) I used to get bullied over it, but now I'm liking it.
    2) Mel, short for Melanie. Tinkerbell, Bella, Solo. XD I've had a fair few nicknames from friends.
    3) I drifted from name to name, but I always hated mine.
    4) I sort of love it now, I think it suits me. I means 'darkness' and 'dark one' and stuff but it some how suits me. Unexplainable, but I can't imagine being called anything else.
    January 28th, 2010 at 11:48pm
  • volta.

    volta. (1000)

    New Zealand
    I think people grow into their names :]

    1. Nope. I'm liking it now though.
    2. Plenty :] Like...lots. nd they came from family and friends.
    3. Probably, but not as much...because I knew it wasn't going to happen I guess.
    4. I don't think I can answer that :]
    January 28th, 2010 at 11:48pm