UGH! - Comments

  • Maybe you should day to this Michael that you aren't comfortable saying that you're IN love yet, There is a big difference with being IN love and LOVING someone.
    I love my dad, but I'm deffo not in love with him.
    See the difference?
    So maybe you should day to Michawl that although you do love him, you don't think you're old enough to accet the responsibility of being in love. If he really respects you he should understand this. he might not like it, but he'll probably respect your thoughts on the matter. Also, make him understand that when you don't say you're in love with him, it doesn't mean you want to break up, rather that you want to let your relationship grow into what it could be. ( If that really is the way you feel about it).
    February 21st, 2010 at 03:09am