School Computer Security Settings - Comments

  • I'm very glad to know that it's not just my school. But this upsets me. This world obviously doesn't know exactly what effects kids anymore. YouTube disturbs me sometimes. I can search for things when I need to for a school project, yet I can look up lyrics to degrading songs? Doesn't make sense.
    February 23rd, 2010 at 12:04am
  • Agreed.

    In my school,, which has loads of useful things that could help students in both art and English/creative writing classes, is blocked, while Facebook, which is totally useless, is allowed. Someone wanna explain that one to me?


    February 22nd, 2010 at 05:56pm
  • Yeah, in my school you can't research anything to do with sex which is understandable I guess until you get put in partners and told to make a presentation over it. Mibba is blocked in school along with anything remotely fun, not even BBC Bite Size is allowed unless we get logged on by a teacher on her account with is pathetic, but YouTube for some reason is allowed. Now whats worse than YouTube and the things you can access on that!?!
    February 22nd, 2010 at 05:26pm