What is wrong with me?! - Comments

  • Aelf

    Aelf (100)

    It's nothing wrong with you- you've just had the misfortune to cross paths with some douchebags in your time. You're right, this is only one type of guy we're talking about. A lot of us are nice. Jerks also aren't exclusive to the male gender by any means.

    You talk about the 'perfect' relationship often happening to slutty girls. But if they were really slutty, would this not impact on their relationships, by making them shallow or pehaps landing them with guys who don't wholly respect them? If you don't think of yourself as being like these other girls, then perhaps you're looking for something they are not? You sound smart, and I doubt that you would be the kind of person who would put up with an outwardly fine relationship if there wasn't an emotional or intellectual connection as well. You have standards, and that is a good thing.

    My advice would be to just not sweat it, as much as that is easier said than done. You're only fifteen, so don't feel like you need to have a boyfriend or you'll be missing out. You won't be. You are perfectly capable of being happy and social on you're own, and if you waste your youth frustrated over members of the opposite sex, as I did, you could grow up with the regret of not living life to the fullest when you were young.
    February 23rd, 2010 at 10:22pm
  • BeggingForChanges

    BeggingForChanges (100)

    United States
    Well, not all guys are just gonna try and get into your pants (though my brother often tells me that they do. But he doesn't want me to ever date so I doubt it's true.)

    Nah, you don't have to be one of those girls to get a guy. You'll find one someday. ::)
    February 23rd, 2010 at 10:16pm
  • The Walrus

    The Walrus (200)

    United States
    I don't mean to sound rude, so please don't take it that way, but I completely disagree.
    Most of my best friends are guys simply because they're less... They cause fewer issues than girls, and frankly, they understand me better.
    They've never tried to get in a girl's pants and they've never used a pick-up line unless it was a joke. I know this because they're very close to me and we tell each other everything.
    Now, I admit that that's a rarity, and a lot of guys do toy with girls' feelings, but not everyone.
    And I would never want to be the popular, slutty girl. I love my tomboyishness. I love my baggie guy's hoodies and my hockey nights and my hatred of makeup. I do wanna be beautiful, but I think that if I just lose a little weight I'll be there. Once you're happy with who you are, you are beautiful because your self-confidence just radiates off of you. I know it sounds cheesy but it's true.
    And you are most definitely not cursed with being single forever. You just haven't found the right guy yet. Or even a good one.
    He'll come around eventually. You just gotta be patient.
    Believe me, I'm learning that the hard way.
    February 23rd, 2010 at 10:07pm