Have you ever? - Comments

  • Chelsea Dannielle xo

    Chelsea Dannielle xo (100)

    I deffinitely get that! Sometimes I'll just be sitting or doing something random and come up with this insane idea. I was literally watching TV, and randomly thought that my friend (who passed away) would have been on the floor laughing. It wasn't that hilarious, and didn't have anything to do with her in the slightest, but it made me think of her.

    Also, I don't think our lives are ever really complete, because we always have the potential to do more. I realize that I sound like an inspiration poster in a school guidance office, but that's really how I feel. You can always complete your life more.
    February 24th, 2010 at 01:55am
  • Aelf

    Aelf (100)

    Have you ever felt like your life was not complete? Life is never complete. It's an open book, and the second you close it, you write off your ability to get anything more out of it.

    You, however, are always complete. You lack for nothing, because you are always just you, even if what you are is also always changing.

    Do what makes you happy. Don't be afraid to take a risk because you think it won't pay off, because at fourteen, you really have the terrific advantage of having very little to lose in the long run! :)
    February 24th, 2010 at 01:54am