Problems and Relationships - Comments

  • dAnGErUOs.ME

    dAnGErUOs.ME (100)

    Oh...I had the same thing on my past.
    I don't really like the boy though it seems that he really likes me.I always run away and hide when he comes.hahah'..I really feel bad doing those things to him so I decided to break up with him on our 3rd day.My friends told me that he had a girlfriend on his school.And absolutely much prettier from head to toe than me they said.But it seems that he broke up with that girl just for me.So I'd decided to forget about breaking up with him,but at that time I was in love with another guy and the news spread till he knew about it.And as expected...he broke up with me on our 5th day.I was really ashamed by myself.I can't even pass at his house because of that.Day passed and some of his friends were still teasing us,but he's just smiling all the time and never had any commitment at me.He's really a nice person and I really feel bad about what I've done to him.I always think that maybe I just had to gave him a chance at that time to prove his intention at me.
    Well its up to you if you really don't like him and you don't want to give him any chance.Maybe he just really like you and that's why he's ignoring you now.
    February 25th, 2010 at 10:55am