FAMILY HELP!!!! - Comments

  • xshallowxbayx

    xshallowxbayx (105)

    United States
    I know the "healing" effects of cutting, but there are more healthy ways to deal with stress.

    You just might have to talk to your father. Let him know that you've got concerns about his health, and the stress that it's having on the family.

    And it might not be him just "choosing the bottle over his kids", usually there is an underlying problem that he's trying to deal with. He might just want to be numb, or is simply hiding behind the bottle. I know because that's what I used to do.

    It takes a slap in the face (figuritively) from someone younger and that means a lot, so try getting the family together and talk to him.

    Ask questions, don't throw accusations. Let me know if this helps.
    March 2nd, 2010 at 09:08pm
  • XdarkblueX

    XdarkblueX (100)

    Puerto Rico
    Cutting won't solve your problems, or make then dissapear; trust me.
    The first step, is stop your bad habit (cutting).
    Second, a job would help, so if you can get one. If he's wasting his money on alcohol I'm sure maybe once or twice you've gone without food or something along those lines.
    Third, don't move out unless it gets violent and if you do, don't run away. Go live with a family member you can trust.
    Sit him down when his sober and talk to him.
    Try to get it in his head that his behaviour is tearing your family apart and it's hurting the people he loves.

    (If you ever need to talk or need more advice; message me. I'd be glad to help.)
    March 2nd, 2010 at 07:48pm