No one reads anyone's actual journals anymore. Here are some questions you whores. :) - Comments

  • dear prudence;

    dear prudence; (100)

    United Kingdom
    Have you ever lost a pet? Yes, my dog :(
    Did you dream about them for night after night afterwords? I think that's to be expected. Any kind of loss is relayed in my dreams.
    How did you cope? I spent three days crying, non-stop, until there was nothing left in me. I still feel like she's around, though. Sometimes I feel like I see her, for a fraction of a second.

    Is a person a whore/slut for not wanting to commit? It depends on the person, I think. If you're purposely leading someone on just to feel wanted, then yes. That's not right.
    What's your take on someone losing their virginity at my age? I'm not sure if that's the route I'd choose for myself, but I have no problem with others decisions to do so.
    Is it bad to think you can find someone better but don't want to leave the person you are currently dating? I've done this before. I don't know if it's normal, but I don't think it's bad.
    March 7th, 2010 at 05:59am
  • Jessus Way.

    Jessus Way. (100)

    Have you ever lost a pet? Yes two :(
    Did you dream about them for night after night afterwords? Yes I did.
    How did you cope? I cried alot, then just accepted I couldn't do anything to fix it and just tried to distract myself.
    Is a person a whore/slut for not wanting to commit? No they are not
    What's your take on someone losing their virginity at my age? Personally I think it depends on the person and the situation. If the two are both 100% sure they want to and are aware of the facts and consequences then it's up to them if they want to. But there is also an age rule for a reason. So I guess it just depends on if the person is actually ready.
    Is it bad to think you can find someone better but don't want to leave the person you are currently dating? No that's not bad. That's just human instinct. There's not much you can do to stop thinking like that. I guess you just have to consider who you really want to be with.

    Hope this helps (:
    March 3rd, 2010 at 07:19am
  • flowersareforeating

    flowersareforeating (100)

    United States
    I did dream of him at odd times where he would run in I would be "Henry! I knew you didn't die" or dreams where he died of a horrible death. I'd wake up with tears every morning.
    When he died we buried him because w e believed he deserved a proper burial, and every day when I was depressed I would go to his grave and just say how much I missed him, and hope he has all the food and shady spots in Doggy Haven. I would then talk about my day. After a couple of months, I stopped going to his grave, and instead when I see his picture in my room I would smile and show off how cute he was.

    No. Not in my book.
    They should be thinking of school, college, and using this time to have fun without any worries. Losing one's virginity can cause difficult situations in the future. Use this time to just have fun and hang out with friends.
    It's unhealthy for both. While the one thinks, they can have a better life with someone else, but not with them, the other is stuck believing the person is iving back as much love as they are receiving.
    March 3rd, 2010 at 06:57am
  • CC;

    CC; (205)

    Perfectly Imperfect; I really want to know how she got into the locker to begin with.

    Ladies lady is actually my favourite one, even better then hooker.
    March 3rd, 2010 at 06:29am
  • bona drag.

    bona drag. (935)

    I have lost pets, but I've never dreamt of them. I just sort of accepted that that's life and things will go on. Losing pets sucks, but I can't bring them back.

    I don't believe that lack of commitment makes anyone a whore. Some people just don't find relationships to be the best option for them at the moment in their life. I certainly don't, but I'm not pushing guys away simply because I won't have this long term relationship with them. I actually am very fond of casual relationships because I have an inability to commit. As long as both parties understand that it's not a commitment and agree then I don't see why they should be considered anything negative for doing so.

    I think if someone 16 is ready to make that decision then that's really their place to do so and not my place to say anything about it. I can only say that I hope everyone who engages in sex is safe and knows the consequences. Everyone will have their own opinion and it is up to the person to decide if losing it at that age is something they're ready for.

    Yes actually. That's stringing the person along. If you're thinking about leaving them for someone better or that you could simply find better then you should respect them and say that. Break up because neither of you will be in a relationship you want that way and it will only wind up a mess if you dump them suddenly for because something better came along.
    March 3rd, 2010 at 06:28am
  • Perfectly Imperfect

    Perfectly Imperfect (100)

    United States
    I actually prefer "Harlot" hehehehe.

    That IS weird....
    March 3rd, 2010 at 06:23am
  • CC;

    CC; (205)

    Perfectly Imperfect; It was so odd. Because my dream was mainly set in the senior locker area of my current school. But as soon as I opened a locker, the scary relief teacher I had in year four jumped out and threw Pebbles and Misty - the turtles - at me. It was very much a "what the fuck?" dream.

    v I still prefer the term hooker, because it's a cooler word to say.
    March 3rd, 2010 at 06:22am
  • empty with you

    empty with you (100)

    United States
    Hey "Camel Crack; Is Epic:" it's actually "companion" not whore... (if you get it, yeah you!)
    March 3rd, 2010 at 06:22am
  • Souper'

    Souper' (100)

    yes i have lost a pet.
    no i didn't dream of him
    i didn't really like my cat. so i was fine.

    no i don't like commitment, but I'm not a whore.
    i don't go around looking for a make out session or a quick bang.

    losing it is not something i would suggest, but if you feel it's time then be safe.

    no at one point everyone thinks it.
    March 3rd, 2010 at 06:22am
  • empty with you

    empty with you (100)

    United States
    I only feel like answering the pets thing...
    Yes, last fall I lost my dog, Wyndi to congestive heart failure.
    Yes, I dreamed about her, and I still see her out of the corner of my eye.
    I curled up in a little ball and cried my eyes out, then cleaned the house top to bottom several times.

    We just got another dog. His name is Bullet, and he is the polar opposite of Wyndi. Something you need to know: If you get another pet, you will always compare them to your first one, and it will never be able to measure up. You have to accept that before you get another pet, or you will be sorely disappointed.
    March 3rd, 2010 at 06:20am
  • Perfectly Imperfect

    Perfectly Imperfect (100)

    United States
    hahaha. I love the turtle dream.
    March 3rd, 2010 at 06:19am
  • CC;

    CC; (205)

    I do actually read the journals, unless they're just one big block of text or filled with horrible spelling.

    And I'm not a whore. I prefer the term hooker, please and thank you.

    Have you ever lost a pet? I don't deserve pets so I don't have them.
    Did you dream about them for night after night afterwords? There were two turtles in my dream last night, they were the turtles my class had in primary school. Odd.
    How did you cope? See first answer.
    Is a person a whore/slut for not wanting to commit? I hope not, because I'm not up for commitment yet, and I'm not a whore or a slut. Once again, I prefer the term hooker.
    What's your take on someone losing their virginity at my age? I was fifteen, so I can't say anything without sounding hypocritical.
    Is it bad to think you can find someone better but don't want to leave the person you are currently dating? Eh. I'd call that normal.
    March 3rd, 2010 at 06:18am