Naruto - Comments

  • Oh my gosh I love naruto it's awesome I have cards and posters and everything
    March 16th, 2010 at 11:41pm
  • I love Tobi, Itachi, Zetsu, Deidara, Hidan, Naruto, Hinata.....there's more that will take too long.....

    The sucky part is that I realize that it'll be a LONG time before they get to where I was in the Manga.
    I want to watch the part when shika's teacher dies by Hidan. I only saw a few pieces of it in the manga, and even then I refused to see it at all so I skipped over that part.
    Because my friend who's on SNAFU wrote saying that the read the Manga version, then saw the anime version, and said that the anime put more emotion on it because, it exploited how traumatic it was to Shika.
    March 16th, 2010 at 07:15pm
  • I know Disney XD ... We have it too. Though I didnt know the used to have Naruto shippuden. I only saw the first parts.
    Anyways that part was so cool :D Sasuke is an idiot but I still like him somehow x) ( but my favourites remain Naruto and Garaa :D )

    I prefere manga over anime, though I agree with you that its sometimes easier to follow the emotions if you watch it not read it ...
    March 16th, 2010 at 07:08pm
  • I use to read the manga and got up to when sasuke and karen (I could care less to spell her name correctly.) were placed in a dimension by Tobi when Sasuke was injured.
    This was a little after they were fighting the samurai.

    But then I stopped reading because they started showing Naruto Shippuden on Disney XD. (Disney XD is like some sort of channel that shows stuff for guys and people who think they're sk8rs or something ><)
    It was mainly because I can get a better grip on they're emotions when watching.....Reading it just made it....bla...
    March 16th, 2010 at 07:01pm