I'm gonna be a Vegetarian!! - Comments

  • Thanks everyone for the comments and the help with wanting to be a vegetarian. I think I'm going to do what some of you suggested with the dropping one meat at a time thing. Does anyone know a good way for me to let my mom know that I want to be a vegetarian? Thanks again, guys!
    March 21st, 2010 at 05:07pm
  • Good on you for becoming a Vegetarian! I've been veggie for about 4 years, and as long as you stick by it you'll benefit from it a lot. I went cold turkey, so to speak. I just stopped eating all meat & fish and I haven't wanted to eat any since.
    My parents weren't too happy about it at first, and they tried to make me start eating meat again, but in they end they accepted it. : ) Just stick with it, that's basically what I'm trying to say. xD

    XxEMOtionalGurlxX: Being veggie does not "sux". You can still eat anything you want, and we don't want to eat meat. People like you are far too narrow minded for your own good. Also, learn to type.
    March 21st, 2010 at 10:04am
  • My girlfriend has been vegetarian her entire life, I've been one since last August, and we both went vegan maybe a month ago. Beans, peanuts and whole grains are our favorite protein sources. (Also, she's an excellent cook.)

    Try three-bean salads with kidney and garbanzo beans and whatever other kinds of beans you like. I'd suggest throwing at least a little olive oil and a small handful of chopped onions and parsley in there, too; I personally like it best with those plus olives, tomatoes, avocado, rosemary, pasta and capers. Also, quinoa (a whole grain available in bulk at most health-food stores) is an extremely good veg*an source of protein (it's a "complete" protein source, which means it has eight essential amino acids) and very easy to cook -- it's basically rice, only it doesn't burn nearly as easily. I should warn you that it seems to be *extremely* high-fiber, though, judging from the last few times I've eaten it. O-O

    If you're looking for recipes, tips on how to replace meat in your favorite recipes, or you have specific veg-related questions, feel free to hit me or my gf (scribeofclio) up!
    March 21st, 2010 at 08:47am
  • being a veggie is sux cuz u cant eat anything u want !
    March 21st, 2010 at 07:48am
  • I've been a vegetarian since I was pretty little.
    But, I don't necessarily do it because I feel bad for the animals like some of my friends are doing it for. Sure, that's definitely part of it, but it's mostly because I don't like the taste :P
    March 21st, 2010 at 05:31am
  • I wenthalf veggie for a year and a bit. Been a full veggie for a month now. :]

    Once you hit eighteen, all sorts of other problems pop up. :/
    March 21st, 2010 at 05:31am
  • ambergerchild
    Well, most meat makes me sick anyways. Chicken is pretty much the only thing I am okay with eating.
    March 21st, 2010 at 04:44am
  • Yeah, like BumbleBree said, you're still going to need to find protein somehow. I didn't just mean giving up meat and not protein. That would be extremely unhealthy. I didn't see her comment before.
    March 21st, 2010 at 04:26am
  • to heart of gold:
    I hope not to come off as rude (I only mean to point out something), but you are either a vegetarian or you are not.
    I understand that you are phasing into it, but even if you eat meat on rare occasions, the fact is it is still meat.
    March 21st, 2010 at 04:16am
  • My parents are actually against me becoming vegetarian because they think it's "wrong" in God-knows-what-way. Once I do my own grocery shopping, I'm becoming vegetarian. It's partially because I'm not a huge fan of the fact that I'm eating an animal but it's mostly because I just don't really like the taste of meat and it's healthier to stay off of meat.
    March 21st, 2010 at 04:07am
  • I myself when I was younger tried to be a vegetarian. A few hours later we ordered pizza and I got pepperoni. But over time I have became a full vegetarian. Yay for me. But actually its not really healthy to do. You need to find other ways to get your protein. If you need ideas message/comment me. Oh and I play the trombone. Does that count? lol. Im the only girl at my school that plays it, and my boyfriend teases me about it. "Look your playing a butter churner". Gag me! God. I dont look my age either, and I hate my voice. When im publicly speaking its to high, when im just talking its deep. GRR. Well hope you do well as a Veggi.
    March 21st, 2010 at 04:06am
  • Ditto what heart of gold said. I only eat chicken and crab. It's still healthier than eating lots of meat constantly.
    It might be easier for you to just drop one kind of meat at a time, y'know, if you can't handle dropping meat all at once, which I know I couldn't.
    March 21st, 2010 at 04:05am
  • Ok, I think I'm gonna do that. Thank you so much, heart of gold.

    May I ask what meats you eat? If you don't mind my asking.
    March 21st, 2010 at 04:02am
  • I am half vegetarian. It means I only eat a certain variety of meat only on rare occasions. I think it's a good start for me, and maybe you can use it to start yourself off too. :)
    March 21st, 2010 at 03:55am