Love is the Greatest Evil of all - Comments

  • I don't think love is evil, to me it's the only redeeming quality in Humanity. Love and compassion are strong motivators and when kept pure do wonderous deeds! Though this is if we were in Utopia and people weren't such assholes.

    The reason half of the married couples in the Us get divorced is because most of them are kids! well not kids, but people who don't act like adults and do not take responsibility for themselves. They always wanna blame someone else for their misfortunes. And that's what pisses me off about those young couples. They get married because of physical attractions and/or they don't think this shit all the way through. people have forgotten that marriage is a LIFE LONG commitment, a companionship between two people who truely love each other and are willing to ride the seas of life.

    Those who get divorces because they "fall out of love" in the first couple of years are pussies.

    Love is a beautiful thing, people just fuck it up.
    April 9th, 2010 at 02:52am
  • I've been jaded by love in a certain sense, but I don't agree that's evil. I also don't think that your life can only be complete when you find "true love" or whatever though.

    And I don't agree with love in pairs. Well, I guess I don't agree with love in only pairs. Nothing would make me happier than be in a loving polyamorous relationship with two other people.
    March 30th, 2010 at 03:36am