Well dinner was a fail. Gangster or Flapper? - Comments

  • Flapper seems cool. I'm thinking next costume party i go to I'ma be a sexy Ships captain or something.

    Anywho. I get what you mean about the cliche sh*t too. I'm really keen on the idea of an angeagement in your teens then waiting till you're old enought to get married. I don;t know how well it'd work out, but i think it's romantic. It's just my personal fairy tale.

    However it's not relaly good that you can't talk to him about things unless you;re drunk. I'm not gunna tell you you shouln;t drink and all that. it's a personal choice.
    I also don;t know what it is you need to talk to him about but if you can't tell him things unless you're smashed I don't see you're relationship going too well,
    April 10th, 2010 at 12:05am