I'm tired of all the bullshit... - Comments

  • Blowjobs and Coke.

    Blowjobs and Coke. (100)

    United States
    If you're mom and you start fighting again and as soon as you feel the arguement start to escalate,just yell STOP!! And tell your mom you don't wanna fight like this.Tell her fighting like this doesn't solve anything.
    And after you tell her that say that you guys can go sit down and talk and a civilized manner.
    Tell her all the things that you would have told her in the yelling type of arguement but say it in a calm tome of voice.If you act calm maybe your mom will act calm.
    And since she's really listening to you,not just hearing you yell,maybe she'll understand that you're really hurting inside.
    And you should talk to a really good friend or something about your depression.That's serious stuff.Most of the time you can't fully overcome depression on your own.
    I sure didn't.
    June 15th, 2010 at 06:12pm
  • TheO.ScarsO.

    TheO.ScarsO. (100)

    True.... But it just pisses me off.. and I do have a job... shes also makin me get another one since im not busy enough XD
    April 20th, 2010 at 04:40am
  • WTFMusicPerson

    WTFMusicPerson (210)

    United States
    I use to do the sma ething when I cut let it heal do it again so I wouldn't have more than a few scars.

    But she can't legaly do that I don't think. And your almost 16 so if you really don't want to you can file for yourself to have adult rights as long as your willing to get a job.

    And yeah it is wrong but she isn't weird for doing that most parents are that way about it. They don't understand they don't want to understand and their main concern isn't why and whats about your life it's the whys and whats about their life what they are doing and how the situation affects them not you. I mean they will say they care but they are caring about what ever it is they have done or should do about it not what your dealing with.

    In the end cutting is stupid and you will eventually realize it most of us who are smart grow out of it and know the better days will come.
    April 19th, 2010 at 08:21pm