confessions of an insomniac*questions for you* - Comments

  • RoseWarrior90

    RoseWarrior90 (100)

    United States
    1.) Not much really,just getting really bored with life.Trying to find some thing worth while to do.
    2.)i have a lot of scars,not like i'm a cutter or anything it's just from shaving my legs when i was younger and didnt know how to do it right lol
    3.) Yeah there is,my boyfriend is out of town and i miss him. Sadly he is my only friend in real life so i don't have many people to talk to.

    4.) Its 2:35am where i'm at,i'm just not tired at the moment. The saying goes "i'll sleep when i'm dead" come's to mind.
    January 17th, 2011 at 08:37am
  • chsgirl

    chsgirl (100)

    United States
    1. Not much right now, I didn't go to school today either haha..
    2. I have a small thin scar right above my left eyebrow, its from when I fell and hit my head on the sharp edge of a wood table and I actually left a dent in the table xD. But it was awful, I went and looked in the mirror and could see my eyebrow muscles twitching *gag*
    3. No.
    4. It's 2:32 pm here, I talked mom into letting me stay home today =D
    April 20th, 2010 at 08:33pm
  • No.. It's Luky?

    No.. It's Luky? (100)

    United States
    1. Well, I should be at school, but I skipped school today.
    2. I have a scar on my finger that's shaped like a dinosaur. And lots of other scars, but no bruises at the moment.
    3. I tend to be always thinking about my boyfriend. And sometimes my twin, but that's just twin telepathy. xD
    4. Well, at the time that you posted this, I was awake because I have insomnia.
    April 20th, 2010 at 05:54pm
  • for the birds

    for the birds (100)

    United States
    There used to be this girl who sat with us uninvited at my old school. She was friends with all the girls at the table, but the boys hated her, and they let her know. They would move her stuff, say really mean things to her, and one time they even threw her lunch on the floor.

    It was really mean, and I know it sucks putting up with her, but I say just do it. She probably really appreciates it.

    1. I skipped school today. That's about it.
    2. I have this scar on my chin that I didn't notice until about a month ago, and I have no idea where it came from.
    3. I spend about 99% of my time thinking about my boyfriend. I can't help it.
    4. Well, it's actually about 6 hours after this journal was posted, so it's not late/early at all, haha.
    April 20th, 2010 at 03:27pm
  • just hollow birds

    just hollow birds (100)

    Hey, I know what it's like to really like someone who seems completely bipolar and unable to make up their mind. Really frustrating and confusing >.<
    AAARGH I love that game. I don't have it, but played at a friends house once, and now I'm addicted to it and I don't even have a gaming console...
    Eh, questions...
    1. Lots of stuff. SO MUCH HOMEWORK. So much confusion with friends. Too much stuff to think about!! I need less thinking.
    2. I have millions of scars. It's pathetic. No bruises at the moment though *wow*
    3. YEP. I can never focus, it's so annoying. But hell they're worth it <3
    4. Well, I am an insomniac, though it's only about 6:30pm here =)
    April 20th, 2010 at 10:32am