what kind of people do you like to read about? - Comments

  • heyeyeyeywahtsgoinon

    heyeyeyeywahtsgoinon (105)

    United States
    First off, try not to focus too much on what a character does focus on what a character is. Personality goes a long way in developing a character, and it makes other things fall into place.

    Say, if a character is aggressive. This character may have fire powers, or can shapeshift into some sort of beast, or has explosive powers to match their attitude. Or they may not, because characters don't have to be so black-and-white.

    In terms of types of powers you want to try out, if you're looking for something like psychic powers, don't just go with the usual mind-reading, future-seeing stereotype.
    How about something like when a character touches someone they not only see the past of the person they're touching, but all of their past lives, which in and of itself could be a book. Or a character could have the ability to go inside a person's mind and almost physically meet the different pieces of someone's personality, all through thought.

    In terms of magical powers, don't be afraid to stray away from the thoughts of the Harry Potter generation. Characters don't need wands and incantations for their powers, they can simply be able to do things no normal human being can.

    In terms of just superhuman powers altogether, try something that's so simple that no one ever thought of it, like someone who has sight so hypersensitive that everything is hyperfocused and they have to wear glasses to counteract it, but when they take them off they can have seemingly inhuman speed because they're able to fully anticipate a person's attack just by sight.

    Point is, you don't always have to develop a power first. You can create a character and let things go from there.

    One last thing.

    Now, this may sound weird, but lean back, close your eyes, and let your character talk to you. Let them tell you what they are. You'll be surprised what you'll come up with.
    April 21st, 2010 at 08:18am
  • florence

    florence (1000)

    United States
    I guess it really depends on the writer.
    But I love reading about stories from insane peoples' POVS. Probably 'cause I can relate, ahah. =P
    I also like characters set in the past, like from the 17th to 19th centuries.
    Hmm... for the "powers" thing, you should totally do something more original. Like maybe telekenesis, or super speed, or even make up your own new super power. Like being able to tell when someone last used the bathroom, or what they had for lunch that day, or even being able to tell what their favorite color is at first glance. Stuff like that. =]
    April 21st, 2010 at 03:51am
  • maybe sparrow

    maybe sparrow (100)

    British Virgin Islands
    c'mon kids. answer my question ?
    April 21st, 2010 at 03:31am