Definitions of us: who are you? - Comments

  • dexter

    dexter (450)

    I am 15 and age does not define me. Being the minority, I suppose I don't act my age if you compare my actions to those of the "typical" teenager. To act your age, for me, is to act like every other teenager does: go out all the time, get high, have sex, smoke, etc.

    I am from Argentina. I live in a city (third-world cities look nothing like a "city"). Eh, it could be worse.
    I go to school. High school. I like school. Hanging out with classmates and Literature.
    Yep, I do. My mind changes alot, though.
    Eh, I don't have friends. I have a best friend but she lives far away. A best friend is someone that understands, loves you no matter what, and can talk to you easily.
    I don't have faith in the world. Cynic...yes. To believe in love, not exactly. I believe in love as in a mother's love for a child, etc. but not necessarily a boyfriend/girlfriend type of love. Not really. I understanding person, it's basically the same thing, right? xD
    I don't like to party, I prefer just staying at home and sleeping all day. :3
    April 26th, 2010 at 03:45pm
  • roux.

    roux. (105)

    17. My age doesn't define me. My personality and what I do does. I wish I was older, so that I was old enough to legally drink. But at the same time, I don't. There's something about being a kid that's surprisingly addictive.

    I do. I'm from Fiji, in the second largest city in the country. My home is small, the weather's hot and tropical. It rains one minute, and shines the next. I love it.

    My fave things about school? Friends. I'm in high school.

    A collection of different things, I guess. I can never make up my mind about something.

    I have best friends. A lot. They make me laugh, go crazy and are the very reason as to why I go to school.

    I believe in love, but I'm also a cynic. I can't say I'm not a naive idiot, because I can be most of the time.

    Quiet night at home. Barefoot.
    April 26th, 2010 at 12:09pm
  • dreamcatcher;

    dreamcatcher; (255)

    New Zealand
    I'm 17, and no I don't think it defines me. Age is just how long I've been alive – nothing more. I don't act my age all the time, because acting a way isn't defined to an age.
    I'm from New Zealand, and I live in a small village (population 300ish) out in the country, and yes I do like my environment!
    I go to High School, I like school sometimes. Experience would be meeting new people and getting so many opportunities, and classes/learning would be Art, Drama and English.
    I don't have one specific favourite for many things apart from colour: purple.
    I have about 4 best friends. A best friend is someone you are always comfortable with and can tell anything to, they're like your other half in some ways. Not really, not lost them just slowly stopped being so close really.
    Sometimes. Sometimes. Sometimes. Yes. Yes.
    I love to party. I love quiet evenings too. Both, depends on the weather, how I feel etc. Bare feet definitely.

    April 26th, 2010 at 09:19am
  • Orien;

    Orien; (100)

    United States
    I'm 17, but age is just a state of mind to me. At times I'm much too mature for my age, at others I'm too immature.
    I live in a small town on the Jersey Shore. It's where I call home. And I like it. :]
    I dropped out. But I did love school when I was in it. I love learning and I loved seeing my friends.
    I have favorites for some things, but not for everything.
    I've lost many friends over the last few years. But I have a couple who've been with me for years, through everything. Those are my bests.
    I am a loving person, but I can be quit a cynic. I've lost a lot of faith.
    I love to party, but I also love my solitude. Therefore, beach and city are both appealing to me, so are a party and a quiet evening home. Depends on how I'm feeling in the moment. I prefer bare feet to high heels.

    April 26th, 2010 at 09:07am
  • William Beckett

    William Beckett (100)

    I'm 17, age doesn't define me.
    I'm from the second biggest city in my state.
    I go to High School. My favourite thing is History.
    I have favourites for nearly everything.
    I don't believe in the concept of best friends.
    I prefer a quiet evening home in the city in barefeet.
    April 26th, 2010 at 08:53am
  • the sea

    the sea (100)

    United States
    I'm an inner city college kid.
    I don't have a favorite anything. I could never decide what is my favorite.
    I have friends.
    I am a cynic.
    April 26th, 2010 at 08:32am