Trust? I Think Not! - Comments

  • I'm seventeen, and I still have my dad bring me to volleyball tournaments that are even an hour or two away. You need to realize that you're barely a teenager, and teens don't have a clue about how the world actually works. Even if you went with your coach, friends, and friends' parents, who's going to watch over you when everyone else is busy with their own responsibilities?

    I'm not being cruel here, but if some grown women can't kick a*s when they're attacked, I don't think a thirteen year old can. Just have a parent go with you.
    April 30th, 2010 at 05:08am
  • What I think you need to remember is that you're still only thirteen.
    You don't know who is going around, and if you're parents didn't try to protect you, if something did happen they would blame themselves.
    You should be lucky that you have parents who care. Most kids these days don't, and its a shame.

    As you get older you'll be given bigger responsibilities, even if its being out an extra fifteen twenty minutes. You'll understand when you have kids once day, you just need to understand that they aren't doing it to ruin you're life.
    April 30th, 2010 at 03:47am
  • @ dallaspen25

    April 30th, 2010 at 03:12am
  • My parents are the same. But as I got older they let me have some responsibilities. For instance now I can go to the mall with guys well if there's at least one girl going. But I have to say your parents are like that probably because of your age. Your 13 and you can kick ass which is good but still there's many ways for someone to kidnapp you. I agree with dallaspen25 you get kidnapped no matter how old you are, or strong.
    And be thankful that they care about you. Not many parents care about their kids nowadays. Maybe they'll let you have some responsibilities as you get older.
    April 30th, 2010 at 03:09am
  • they embarass me b/c i like coach's son and they have 2 have my in sight at all times
    plus my dad is paraniod, he wont even let me have a cell b/c he thinks ppl listen in on cell phones
    thats wat u call pathetic :(
    April 30th, 2010 at 03:06am
  • Um.
    Just go with your parents then.
    What's the big deal about that?
    They embarrass you?
    I really don't try to be mean, but that's kinda pathetic.
    Just be happy and thankful about it at all! (:
    April 30th, 2010 at 03:03am
  • u could get kidnapped no matter how old or big u r
    April 30th, 2010 at 03:00am