Survivng a hurricane. [Yeah, that's right. I survived one.] - Comments

  • Wow. I would have been scared out of my mind but I would have done what you did and left the room. Where I live tornado are a real issue and you have no idea what its like to be huddled on the ground surrounded by a bunch of crying teenagers all asking to call their parents. It happened at least once a year.
    I remember once in fourth grade when we could SEE the twister out the window and everyone was laughing and joking. It made no sense but nothing in that situation made sense. we where on the edge of the building with a window and a garage door (it was only the first year. it was really new and all 'high tech' with the glass walls and stuff. haha. I sound so anti tech and I very pro tech). If we had been hit it would have been a disaster. But it didnt... and I'm rambling. = )
    May 1st, 2010 at 07:17am