Opinions, Opinions. Could you guys help me out? - Comments

  • Sardonic Grin That's what I was thinking about it. I was doing the math a while ago, and tobacco kills about 1,400 people A DAY.

    Deaths from pot?

    I think that is really something to think about when smoking and letting it stay legal but you keep pot illegal why?
    May 8th, 2010 at 03:51am
  • 1. No way, someone should give that woman a slap, where do some people get off. She's just trying to get people into trouble because she can, I hate people like that. They just can't handle power.
    2. I'm not really for or against it to be honest, but it can be used for medical purposes so that has to be a good thing. (:
    May 8th, 2010 at 12:07am
  • WOW, DUDES, POT IS NOT PHYSICALLY ADDICTIVE. THis is a FACT. Caffiene is 10 times more addicting than pot is. Stop reading that propaganda shit, and get your facts straight before you go around spewing nonsense. I could understand if it is your opinion, but all you guys sound like are parrots about the issue. Just because something is legal doesn't mean more people will do it. And I smoke pot everyday even though it is illegal. Trust me, people aren't smoking pot because it is illegal. People aren't smoking pot either because they don't WANT to smoke pot or their dead.

    And sorry, I get really rabid about the issue because people have such a warped view of pot. There is nothing wrong with it- if anything it is probably as dangerous (if not less dangerous) than alcohol and ciggarettes, and both are legal. NO ONE; I repeat, NO ONE has ever died from smoking too much pot. You would have to smoke like I room filled with pot in order to die from it, and that is not possible.
    May 7th, 2010 at 11:22pm
  • V
    BUT if it's kept controlled well enough, with monitoring systems and regulations. Isn't it just as dangerous as smoking?
    We don't think much of smoking as dangerous, but tobacco use kills more than Cannabis use does.

    Also, people wouldn't be required to do buy it. Even though it's illegal, some people choose not to do it simply because, they have no interest in it.
    May 7th, 2010 at 10:16pm
  • Fallenforyou Has a point. A lot of people don't do pot because, duh, it's illegal. So more people wll get addicted.
    May 7th, 2010 at 10:02pm
  • WHAT?! If you get suspended that's just crap.

    And I do not think that pot should be legalized because it harms people. If it was open to buy, then more people would start, get addicted, and cause damage for their bodies. Plus, it could lead them to do other drugs that could also hurt them, and if they were illegal drugs, could send them to jail.

    Hope everything works out =)
    May 7th, 2010 at 09:53pm
  • Dak12: Oh goody! :) But I've been controlling my language completely.. for nothing! boo :(

    And you are very welcome m'dear :)
    May 7th, 2010 at 09:38pm
  • DaniDOUCHE Ox' : Thanks for the heads up I'll fix it (:

    Yeah I mean like controlled of course.
    Like, opening up store, where they can monitor how much you buy and what not.
    May 7th, 2010 at 09:32pm
  • Dani You can swear in journals - just not too excessively which I don't think she has :)
    May 7th, 2010 at 09:32pm
  • What?! The education system today sucks. I've seen boys in my school having proper full-on fist fights and all they got was a detention!

    You do not deserve to be suspended. You should tell them that - get the guy you hit to tell them. Well, you could try, anyway - I wish I could help you more :[

    I don't think pot should be legalized because it can lead to trying other drugs which could be of serious harm. Shmeh. Again, not much help.
    May 7th, 2010 at 09:31pm
  • That's harsh! What a b*tch ><
    Oh and a little heads up, I'm pretty sure your not allowed to swear in journals (just so you don't get this deleted)
    1. No it isn't justified considering she didn't even give you a chance to full explain yourself.
    2. It would have to be a controlled legalization. Otherwise people would run riot with it.

    As for your essay.. I've done it myself before when I was in school.
    Say that if Cannabis was legal the crime rate would decrease. If people were openly allowed to handle or smoke the drug there would be no secret or hidden deals. Also mention that the government would profit from this law due to the fact that more deals would be made and more money would come into the government.
    it can also help relieve the symptoms of many common illnesses such as, Multiple Sclerosis, Arthritis and Parkinson's disease.

    Hope I helped :)
    May 7th, 2010 at 09:26pm