Sharp cuts and Deaf wishes - Comments

  • I did get to the end. That's really sad, but yeah, it does happen to a lot of families. I think you and your sister should help each other out. When I had something somewhat like this happen, my older brother reached out to me. He told me his feelings about our parents, and it was weird at first because we're not exactly close, but his sharing made me feel needed, and I'm pretty sure it made him feel better. But that only happened, like, twice. I hope you can experience the same with your sister, but more frequently. :)
    May 13th, 2010 at 12:01pm
  • Oh, honey. Parents are bound to fight with each other. They spend their whole lives together. And familiarity brings contempt more often than not.

    You shouldn't get too upset about it. Most of the time they don't even mean what they say. And you definitely shouldn't be cutting yourself over things like this. You told me not to self-harm as well, haha. :P

    And be happy that they actually wanted to have family time and go to the mall with you! That's a whole blessing in of itself. So what if it went wrong? You can't have silence any time you want it.

    Anyway. My point is that these kind of things are normal. It'll wear off eventually once the anger cools down. (:
    May 12th, 2010 at 06:40pm
  • *applause* Yes i got to the end.
    And your story is one of many. Me, I've been through the whole shabang about parents fighting, but now they're divorced my dad kicked me out his house because he hates my mum and everynight I have to listen to my mum cry about how aweful her life is. Yeah mum, so you've got cancer and a ton of other illnesses, but do we really need you crying all the time, my poor little sister normally has to listen to it. But me no, I can do a special trick, it's called daydreaming, when my mum starts to get angry (yeah I mean like angry when she throws a frying pan at me or the phone at me :( i feel like a bloody target) I just go into daydream land, but what's so special about daydream land is that my brain still works and i am able to preform many tasks without being in 'reality'.
    But that's how i deal with sh*t. excuse the french.
    But how you are dealing with it is just ... can i say it in a not rude way... Probably not... well it's just plain wrong.
    *gasp* yeah i went there. gosh i sound like a b*tch. excuse the french. again.
    I'm not trying to be mean, but cutting is not the answer. I would recomend:
    -Daydreaming :) as i do :)
    -avoid them,
    -tell them how much they are hurting you,
    -try to arrange things to do with your sister such as going to the park, libarary, cinema, just get you two out the house,
    -or Childline (although i don't really think they're anygood, i wouldn't ever ring them :\ but you know not everyones the same as me),
    -erm... running out of ideas,
    -Talk to your friends about it,
    -talk to your mum/dads friend about it (they will obviously confront the parents about it :)),
    -You can always talk to me :) even though i sound like a total b*tch in this ('scuse the french), i'm not really.

    Best wishes,
    Emmilia :)
    May 12th, 2010 at 06:32pm