Go Die in a Hole. (5/18/10 Day-18) - Comments

  • nissyy

    nissyy (100)

    United States
    People like that can get annoying. Sorry she's spazzing about it.

    1-Pretty good (:
    2-Yes. It was the stupidest thing of my life. Maybe not that stupid, but it was horrible.
    3-I've been watching American Idol since the beginning of the season! <3 I hope Lee wins, or Crystal, I don't really care for Casey. :P I like watching Dancing With The Stars too, mainly because Evan Lysacek is on it. And he just made it to the next round. It made me so happy. (:
    4-I took piano lessons for a few years when I was younger, and stopped in 7th grade, but I still play. I've been playing baseball/softball for seven/eight years now (:
    May 19th, 2010 at 03:54am