Angry Midget?! (5/24/10 Day-24) - Comments

  • Lithium.

    Lithium. (100)

    United States
    Haha, something about this, though I'm sure it was really obnoxious for you, made me laugh.
    1. It was alright. It was too warm, but everyone was in a super good mood.
    2. OH YES. I can trip over air...
    3. Not really. I can actually agree with the comment before me that I'm sort of a neutral ground therapist for my group. The most drama I have is that I've taken a liking to a guy I don't even talk to that often, so that's kind of a downer, but I've only told one of my friends about it....which relates to the next question.
    4. I do! Actually, my closest friends are all guys, and it's sad to say that I don't really have a girl best friend right now. I have a guy best friend actually, and I can tell him any and everything, and I actually talk to him about guys I like. He doesn't really give me advice, but he calms me down and he listens, so it's nice. Other than that, yeah, I have a LOT of guy friends. But I'm not a whore, I promise.

    Yeah, I typed a lot, too. I hope you don't mind!
    May 25th, 2010 at 04:19am
  • vivez la rouge

    vivez la rouge (100)

    United States
    1.) Sooooooo boring! :P Monday's suck!
    2.) Yes and maybe more! I ran into two doors today, tripped up the stair and stratched my foot on a nail. Fun times... xD
    3.) Well, i almost, personally, never have drama, In our group of friends i work as the therapist- i help my other friends with their drama because i can usually cope or vent my drama out often enough that it doesn't really matter. I always have emotional drama though, if i didn't know better i would think i was bipolar! xD
    4.) I wish! I used to but i lost contact with them! :((( I have tons of guy friends- they always make the best friends because they usually arent as difficult as girls, they are just idiots. There is this boy i thought i liked for a while but i realized i just wanted him to be my guy friend! xD I'm working on that currently- we are both crossing our fingers that we will have some classes together next year! Otherwise i just have a few cool and reliable guy friends.

    WOW sorry for typing all that nonsense! i guess i really had a need to type out some stuff! Thx for listening- i hope all your drama problems work out!
    May 25th, 2010 at 03:10am