Paranormal activities, anyone? [long-ish] - Comments

  • Lucid_dreamer

    Lucid_dreamer (110)

    United States
    I thought you were talking about the move Paranormal Activity, oops... But anyway that movie sucked..... moving on.

    When I was little my mom and I would take a quick walk through a nearby Cemetery because it was the fastest way as I recall. And she told me that I use to talk to no one from time to time when we past through it. So she asked me who I was talking to and she said that I told her I was speaking to the people under the ground.
    May 28th, 2010 at 03:26am
  • nikki rae;

    nikki rae; (100)

    United States
    Yeah, things have happened to me all of the time.
    I think it is the house I live in.

    One time, I saw something white walk across my front porch.
    I went outside, like an idiot in a scary movie, haha, but nothing was there.

    One night, no one was in my house except my two friends and my mom. Well, my mom was on my floor and she was talking to my friend and I who were all on my bed. And there was a really hard knock on my bedroom door. No one was

    When I was younger, about five, I swear that I saw my aunt in my mother's bedroom. My aunt passed away the day before. My mom woke up and saw me waving to her, obviously no one was there.
    May 28th, 2010 at 02:51am
  • courier six

    courier six (100)

    United States
    Oh wow, I know what you mean. >.<

    The house we used to live in before here had this dude spirit living with us...At night he'd shake my bed, my mom's bed and according to one of my brother's ex girlfriends, he'd walk around at night. Which is entirely believeable, cause, I remember when I was little, maybe eight or nine, I'd get really scared because I'd sound like someone was moving the doorknob, and my mom always said she heard footsteps outside the door. And when I had the room all to myself, I could swear that I felt his presence in the doorway when the door was closed. That and he'd do other little things, like turn the TV off now and then.

    My mom finally had anough one night when I was in the shower, I was, well, showering when all of a sudden the lights went off, I ran to the shower door cause the lightswitch was near there, but as soon as I opened it, the lights went back on. And the switch was still in the upward position, meaning the light swtich was never down, never turned off.

    That asshole left me traumatized, I'm terrified of the dark even more now..>.<
    Scary shit dude....
    May 28th, 2010 at 02:39am
  • (150)

    I had no idea if I can see the ghosts or not, but I've seen some kind of a figure, but it's just like a second or more. I've seen a woman with white dress and dark hair in front of a clinic, and I saw that figure too in my living room, when it's 6 in the evening. I'm not sure if it's just my imagination or what. Oh, and I've ever seen some black shadow passed the mirror that laid on the warehouse. And I could hear a sound of a woman from upstairs. Well, probably, some of my family can see ghosts because my cousin can see ghosts :)
    May 28th, 2010 at 02:34am