147 days, 22 hours and 31 minutes into the year 2010/Questions - Comments

  • chemical romantics.

    chemical romantics. (210)

    Great Britain (UK)
    1. Very well, to be honest.

    2. Three not including local ones.
    - Kerrang Tour! ; All Time Low, The Blackout, Young Guns, My Passion.
    - Flyleaf.
    - Madina Lake, We Are The Ocean & Mayday Parade.

    3. Jesus & My Family.

    4. A lot of things.

    5. I wouldn't. I'm the person I am because of what's happened to me, and I'm only going to make different mistakes if I re-do. Mistakes make you human, except it, embrace it and try your best to fix things when they fall apart.
    May 29th, 2010 at 02:11am
  • WTFMusicPerson

    WTFMusicPerson (210)

    United States
    I just tell myself this when ever life has me like that--- The past is the past for a reason thats where it should stay, the future can always be changed, and the present is a gift because it allows you to change the future.

    Also if you know somethings wrong and you don't like the situation it's put you in, then don't make the same mistake twice. In the end that's all we can do with the past is learn from it.

    1) Not too great but that's my fault... But at the same time it is great, it's just I know a lot of twist and turns are about to be reviled

    2) None =[

    3) Friends, 1 in particular but due to mistakes that are going to be reviled I'll lose him I think...

    4) Admitting a lie that I've kept secret for 4 months

    5) My 18th birthday so I can already be where I want in life to get started. Or my 10th birthday so I can tell my younger self all the things I know now, and see how much better I made things for myself.
    May 29th, 2010 at 12:38am
  • Soulmates Never Die

    Soulmates Never Die (100)

    You're young, 15, your only forming the person you want to be. Each new experience you live through defines you in one way or another. There are only right ways in your path, the ones that fit your needs now, right this moment, because no matter how much regret you have, you can't unlive through the past, and the future? It hasn't even happened yet.
    It's you who decides which path you'll take in the long run.
    Let me tell you a little secret, there is no such thing as a wrong decision. They're all right and they all lead somewhere, it's you who decides where you want to go.

    1. It's had its ups and downs, but mostly, it has treated me beautifully.
    2. Ugh, a lot, but never too many. All local underground.
    3. My future project. I'm going to change the world. :)
    4. Well, I'd rather not say here.
    5. I'd stay here, because I'm right where I'm supposed to be.
    May 29th, 2010 at 12:12am
  • Jewel Nicole

    Jewel Nicole (100)

    United States
    1. Eh, I can't complain.
    2. None. :(
    3. My family!
    4. Nothing right now. :)
    5. Hmm, I don't know... the last time I saw my dad when I was 8, I had both of my parents at the same time. It was awesome. :)
    May 29th, 2010 at 12:04am