My selfish ass needs help. (5/30-31/10 Day-30/31) - Comments

  • 1.)My day is okay. Bored but okay.
    2.) Nope,haven't been out in the sun
    3.) I'd say go out with him. If they truly are your friends they will accept the fact that you two are together and if they can't just because they think he's 'weird' then they are not your friends. The only opinion that matters is yours. Obviously your friends don't know him enough to past that judgment about him. Why spend your life thinking about what others think of you and end up never happy?
    May 31st, 2010 at 08:53pm
  • 1.Good and your's? Thank you for asking!
    3.Agreed with Chyrs-Phanotis
    May 31st, 2010 at 08:39pm
  • 1. Hungry so far. Parents are out.
    2. My skin is sensitive.
    3. Well, that is someting you should ask yourself. Do you want to risk losing your friends because of a boy, or ignore him because you can't stand peer pressure? I don't think my opinion can help you in any way, because in the end, you are the one to choose. But then why would your friends oppose to this because he is weird. Everyone is weird!
    May 31st, 2010 at 08:21pm