Tried of being treated like crap.. please let me know what you think!? - Comments

  • roxsoxx

    roxsoxx (100)

    United States
    wow, i TOTALLY know how you feel. always being nagged, as if your effort is never good enough, and them always trying to predict our motives and reasons for doing things and they dont even know.
    my mom does the same thing with the sleep thing. she will scrutinize all possib;le factors and then try to blame it on one of those and then for example, if she suspects it is then that thing gets taken away. its so frustrating,.
    and about the being told your grumpy thing makes u more grumpy- me too. its like "someone's grumpy." "someone needs to shut the hell up."
    if you ever need to talk i am a click away.
    June 15th, 2010 at 07:36pm
  • TheO.ScarsO.

    TheO.ScarsO. (100)

    Yays im not the only one to thinkg that!!!

    Awwww thanks.. I dont feel pretty... and I dont know ifi do go for runs with my dog since we dont have a treadmill.... XD And true i dont want to get bigger... lol

    Im at the point where i just wanna die... becasue im tired of all the bulling and the bull shit form my mom... Like she always uses " I miss yiour dad, im tired, im more stressed than you.." and im like "OMG!!!! K i have tests for school coming up and The last tests i fuckin had where when my dad was in the hospital " and i was staying with my sis... it was so hard... like i dunno.. all the memorys are coming back and she wonders why im upset!.

    oh your lucky i want to move out now... at the age 16 but i know it will be harder for me to live by myself... ugh! So now im just hopeing for 3 years to go by fast!! lol
    June 15th, 2010 at 07:31pm
  • WTFMusicPerson

    WTFMusicPerson (210)

    United States
    OMG! I KNOW!

    I felt the EXACT same way about my mom with things except when I would be sad or mad or have an off day she would always be like "ARE YOU ON THE RAG" its like no but you asking me if I am sure aint making me any-less agitated! Who the hell asks that?

    Or the way she says your not fat and your beautiful you have everything a girl wants... But I think you should run on the treadmill a bit, or don't you want to get those pants one size bigger?

    It got a little better cause things got to the point where I basically said screw it all and let everything go down hill before they relize "Hey maybe we should be better parents" they aren't perfect but they are better.

    I'm not going to do anything heinous because I don't want to look back with regrets when Im older and one of them happens to die. Plus I figure myself a stronger person if I can just grit my teeth till Im 18 then I'll be more proud of myself. Just 6 months and one year =] for me lol.
    June 15th, 2010 at 07:08pm