Sooo, it's raining. My *deep* thinking (Oh and any suggested reads?) - Comments

  • Shatterheart

    Shatterheart (140)

    United States

    Haha, no; I totally get it. There's nothing wrong with being passionate about a topic.
    I think it is great...I think it takes people with passion to make some sort of change in this world...

    I would be lying, and be even more despicable if I said I cared, and I would do anything for a stranger, who I've never seen, and probably never will. I'm not a cold-hearted bitch (excuse my language), or at least I want to believe I'm not, but my main concern is with my family and friends, those I actually have close ties with. My happiness is with their happiness; if they can smile everyday, I'm happy. When they are hurt or down, I will bend over backwards just to get them back up, no matter what happens to me.
    But I think this, too, is a form of selfishness on my part. I want them to be happy so I am happy, right?
    I've always considered working in the medical field, helping complete strangers that are sick or hurt. I hate watching pain, I rather be the one in pain. I don't like it when people suffer, I can say for this, even if they were total strangers...and even if they were someone that has done me wrong or hurt me. I would probably help them too.
    But then is this too just for my own benefit? So I don't have to see suffering?
    I've wondered about this long and hard, thinking and questioning everything since I was younger.

    Human beings can be very selfish beings.

    This topic of yours kind of reminds me of a topic that really ticked me off. And when I say this, I don't mean to offend anyone in anyway.
    As of late, religion has been a topic that has been really getting on my nerves. This may be due to the fact that I recently had a group of people try to tell me their religion was right, and everything else will burn in hell... hmph, well excuse me.
    I'm not really religious at all, but I'm not sure of what to believe in. It's also not something I dwell upon for hours in a day; I've been living fine without having to worship a figure so far, why start now?
    The only reason why your topic reminded me of this was because I watched half of a documentary once about religious people, and they completely used everything and anything they can get their hands on. They did it without thinking twice about how they were killing the world or starving a child in another country. They said that God gave them these luxuries so they should and will use them.

    It got to a point where I was so infuriated that I had to walk away...and it made me want to believe in a god even LESS than I already did.

    Wow, I wrote a lot again...didn't I. I'm sorry about that.
    But I just want to add a few things...
    I really enjoy thoughtful discussions such as this one. I really value and respect your ideas, thoughts, opinions, etc. And if I ever have another chance to be able to discuss and exchange thoughts with you in the future, I'm sure that it will still be the same, even if we were to oppose each other in ideas and views. =)

    Thanks for a thoughtful evening!

    June 19th, 2010 at 07:38am
  • MadisonLynn

    MadisonLynn (100)

    United States
    Read the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon and the Lord of the Rings. hahahahah I know that that is really famouse, but they're sooo good!
    June 19th, 2010 at 07:10am
  • Nightmare Daydream

    Nightmare Daydream (100)

    United States
    Suggested Read: "He's Rich Smart and Childish and She just might marry him"
    June 19th, 2010 at 06:53am
  • XxNijinoDoreixX

    XxNijinoDoreixX (100)

    United States

    I use to feel this way, that sometimes someone could be part of a scam, that some people were just ignorant.

    That seems so true, but the more I look at it, it seems that people really just don't care. They turn away from the truth. My mother use to say, "Eat all your food, some kids in Africa don't even get to eat." So, i'd always eat every last this seems like a sick joke. Instead of forcing me to over-eat, why not spend that last few dollars to stuff me, on something else.

    We always say, oh that's a scam. I wont donate my money there. A lot of the times they are! In fact, that's even worse don't you think? People making money off of exploiting someone suffering?!


    If we honest, truly cared. We would not let anything get in our way. If we honestly wanted to help people out, we'd just do it. What is really stopping all of us? Everyone just honestly believes every word they hear? Really?

    "We don't even have enough money to take care of ourselves!" No, the fact is, they had more than enough. I had more that enough. If I think about my every wasted dollar. I could have saved more than 1000 people, and I'm still so young.

    :/ Not trying to get rude.....It's just bothered me so much...
    June 19th, 2010 at 06:45am
  • Shatterheart

    Shatterheart (140)

    United States
    Hmmm...very thoughtful...

    I guess I agree with you to some extent. I wouldn't necesarily go all the way to say murderer...because I define murderer as someone that acts with the intent to kill another being, purely just to kill. But then again, a murderer can be someone who kills for their own benefit, so the argument could go either way...

    I think when it comes to this issue, it's not just one shameful reason as to why people don't do as much as they can to help others. Like ignorance, whether it is unintentional or purposefully turning a blind eye. Or the differing attitude sadly many has, such as "Who cares; it's not me." or "They will get the things they want, when they deserve it." or even "Those people are suffering for a reason. They can get help, but they won't get anything from me."

    There is also those that want to help, but very distrusting of where their money goes once they donate. There have been scams where people claim to be collecting money for some support foundation, but then they take the money for themselves.

    ...huh... Human beings can be the most scariest beasts in existence.

    Well, I could go on, but it seems like I've already written you an essay. XD
    Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

    As for the title, where you asked about suggested reads, if you're talking about a good story here, let me know too.
    I've been trying to find something that just completely moves me with emotions...tear-jerker maybe? Something original, with excellent grammar and spelling...

    Oh well; if I find something I like, I'll get back to you, I suppose. =)

    Thanks again!

    June 19th, 2010 at 06:36am
  • madlydelicious

    madlydelicious (100)

    United States
    Suggested reads?
    1. It's Kind of a Funny Story
    2. Crank, Glass, Impulse, Burned, Tricks... all those by Ellen Hopkins, they really take you to a new level of thinking and writing.
    3. The Little Giant of Aberdeen County
    4. Thirteen Reasons Why

    and so many more... message me.
    June 19th, 2010 at 06:29am