A rant and a place for you to whore (: - Comments

  • 1. I hate when people call me a Nazi. There's a damned difference between being German and being a Nazi.
    2. I hate when people suck at Grammar.
    3. I hate people younger than I am that think they're so much higher and mightier than I am.
    4. I hate younger people in general. They just get on my nerves.
    5. I hate when older people don't take me seriously because of my age; yet I act five times more mature than they do.

    Look at You're Buried, I'm Breathing in Regret, please? (:
    June 23rd, 2010 at 10:36pm
  • I hate...
    1. That I've been single all of 7th grade.
    2. When people don't read my journals or skip the whole journal and just answer the questions.
    3. That hot pool boy because he's in Arizona. When he was here for Spring Break it seemed like he liked me since he stared at me the whole 1hour and a half I was there.
    4. I can't go to Warped.
    5. I'm so damn tall.

    My one-shot 'How Could I Be So Blind?'. It's a Caleb Turman one-shot, and it would make me feel loved.(:
    June 23rd, 2010 at 10:35pm
  • I hate those damned chip people=l
    1. I hate when people mix up the dishes or don't put them facing the right way o.O
    2. I hate people that type in baby language. It's ugly
    3. I hate it when my socks get wholes in them =( I'm very attached
    4. I hate when people don't clean their plates properly >.<
    5. I hate people who eat like birds=l they make you shy when you pile up your plate

    please please read my poems:)
    black rain
    a tribute to the chicken

    thank you:)
    June 23rd, 2010 at 08:52pm
  • 1. Having to hate.
    2. The opposite of a grammar natzee.
    3. The fact that both of my parents ended up withd*ckwads for significant others instead of each other.
    4. Story comments that say nothing but "WHOO!" or "good post, update soon."
    5. Ehm... I hate when I try to feed my fake alpaca and she won't eat.

    Now read Torn, but only if you're in a dark mood. The Strain of Separation if you're in a less dark mood.
    June 23rd, 2010 at 08:13pm
  • Don't do the hate, spread the love. j/k lol
    June 23rd, 2010 at 07:56pm
  • 1. Hypocritical jerks who try to criticize me!
    2. Taylor Swift needs to go back from where she came from, seriously.
    3. Stupid smiley faces on the computer, such as :).
    4. Dudes who go around and walk with a "swagger", but really that doesn't look cool, you look like you're walking with a broken ankle. Need a trip to the doctor?
    5. Grammar and spelling mistakes p*ss me off.

    Ummm... I do poems if you just check that out?!
    June 23rd, 2010 at 07:50pm
  • 1. Things that happen way too fast.
    2. Things that happen way too fast that aren't exactly the happiest of things.
    3. Getting busted by my dad for watching porn. (Actually that was kind of funny...)
    4. When I whore a story and nobody actually reads it.
    5. Losing all my creativity to weed. :/ That really, really pisses me off.
    6. (Because the porn thing didn't count) Bugs in my tea.

    Wildebeests would be great :D Comment swap, perhaps?
    June 23rd, 2010 at 07:26pm
  • 1. People who think they're better than everyone else.
    2. When people make these stupid ass faces because they think it makes them look cute.
    3. When people wear clothes that don't fit them (not like if they can't afford new clothes so they wear hand-me-downs, but when people wear clothes that are too tight because they think it's hot.)
    4. Spiders.
    5. When 100265205520 people read my stuff and yet, not one comment. Grrr.

    Hmm, do you like poems?
    June 23rd, 2010 at 07:21pm
  • 1. People that think they know me inside-out, when they don't know crap.
    2. The self-righteous people that think it is their sole right to judge, and therefor the world should revolve around them.
    3. The overuse of the word "said".
    4. People that randomly hang up in the middle of a phone conversation. Gee, I love you too.
    5. People that can't admit they were wrong.

    Finally Free or Something Old, por favor :]
    June 23rd, 2010 at 07:17pm
  • 1. Spiders, completely hate them.
    2. Justin Beiber- honestly you're not cute, nor a good singer and I just don't like you. I'm sure you're 'lovely' as a person but from hearing you in concert for the Fearless tour you suck. Just suck.
    3. People who complain about how their parents 'abuse them' when they aren't allowed to get new clothes, a new phone or a new iPod. Honestly, there ARE legitamite people out there who are being abused.
    4. People thinking I lead a perfect life. I don't.
    5. Not having food in my house. >.<

    What A Girl Wants
    June 23rd, 2010 at 07:14pm
  • 1. Having to repeat myself.
    2. People who think they're the shit.
    3. People who don't think before they speak.
    4. My mom.
    5. People who are hypocritical.

    Check out In Time of Daffodils.
    June 23rd, 2010 at 07:11pm
  • 1. People who blame typos on their computer.
    2. People who think that artists who are obviously autotuned like hell are the best singers ever.
    3. People who don't know what they're talking about.
    4. People who ask you to give criticism on their stories and then when you do, they freak and say that you just hate their story and that's why you're saying it.
    5. People who do that except they accept the criticism and then don't change a thing about the story, almost like you never said anything.

    Or, more specifically, when people do that XD

    Dreaming in Neon Lights, if you would :D
    June 23rd, 2010 at 07:09pm