Moving On... - Comments

  • tigga14

    tigga14 (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    i have just finished reading all of your stories and think you are an amazing writer! sorry to hear your leaving mibba although i admit i don't usually comment much as i feel i am repeating myself from others or sound like an idiot lol so i apologise for that anyway. i really do hope to finish reading your stories though so when you decide where your going would you please send me the site and your username so i can continue???? thanx and all the best with what you do next :D
    February 15th, 2011 at 03:32pm
  • FlyingAway

    FlyingAway (100)

    United States
    What is your username on that site? Sorry I never commented on Sparrow; it really is a wonderful story. I've loved it from the very beginning. I just don't comment on anyone's stories. I probably should; I know it feels lousy when I post things and no one deigns to comment anything of worth. But, I usually don't want to sound like every other commenter who says "I love this" blah blah blah.

    I guess my point in commenting now is to apologize that I haven't before and to get your username for the other site you are on, since I would love to see how Sparrow ends.
    July 14th, 2010 at 03:30am
  • Seven.

    Seven. (100)

    United States
    I agree. I think that our little circle of friends are all feed up with Mibba, as we’ve talked about, and are slowly leaving one by one. I’m finished with Mibba and fanfics as well. And I’m pretty sure that you’ve read Jinx’s journal about this situation.

    I know that I wrote fanfiction but that was because no one read my originals that I posted when I first got here a few years back. So, I took them down. I wanted to grow as a writer and I figured the only way to get feedback on here was to do fanfics. Sadly, most of the time, it wasn't the feedback that helped.

    And I’ve got to be honest, I have loved your stories from the moment I got that first email from you with Sparrow in it. Whatever you decide to do, just know that I am behind you 100% and I want links or emails to anything you write. I think you are an amazing writer, poet and an amazing friend. So, send the links to wherever you go that way I can continue to read your stuff.
    June 27th, 2010 at 11:27am