I hate feeling the need to "look good." - Comments

  • I always go through that. Right now, I'm having a small panic attack because my dad wants me do drive into town and get us a pizza before the football game between Germany and England. Why? Because I'm afraid that someone I know will see me ordering a pizza and then assume that I am a fat girl who only eat fast food. I KNOW that I don't have to think about this, I exercise pretty much every day, and I don't eat too much food, but the point is, they don't know that.
    June 27th, 2010 at 02:05pm
  • Oh yeah I know the feeling=l we all have our ugly days...
    Which is why I have a fat jacket... Chuck it on and it covers everything up=)
    June 27th, 2010 at 02:03pm
  • I sometimes do. :/ And it only happens around particular people. I live in a Hall of Residence for Uni, and I happened to make some 'friends' who are up on fourth floor. One of them...boasts about the clothes she has, and she isn't really aware of that, so when I used to hang out with her, I would always feel under dressed and like I didn't know how to dress at all. Because of course she has nicer clothes than me...but I guess how I came to terms with it all is:
    I wear what I feel comfortable in. If I look bad to this person and that person, well...their opinions don't really mean anything. Because, I don't need to impress them if they're going to be judgmental.
    Nah, I don't know. That last bit just kinda came to my head whilst I typed that part about my 'friend.'

    And don't you worry. Right now..I hate how I look. My hair is totally disgusting, and it makes me look like my mother...whom I'm not fond of at all. So...you know. :/ I'm not thrilled about anything at the moment.

    Maybe you just have to learn to love yourself. ?: ]
    June 27th, 2010 at 12:54pm