Abortion Is Murder - Comments

  • AmorarEsDeVivir

    AmorarEsDeVivir (100)

    United States
    I wasn't worried. I know it's okay to disagree. I'm wondering if you even read what all I wrote. o.0
    July 21st, 2010 at 06:47am
  • m.f.e.o

    m.f.e.o (100)

    I'm not saying I would get an abortion, I just want the choice. What other people do is up to them, and I have absolutely no control over it.
    July 6th, 2010 at 04:46am
  • iiMzNunu

    iiMzNunu (100)

    United States
    Bella J. Hale.:Well,I see it as a baby not a fetus. Nevermind for questioning you about adoption. Well she made her best choice I just hope she doesn't regret anything.
    Jacoby Shaddix:Well,I'm sorry I do ask a lot of questions. Well,I can understand where your coming from.
    Dimli:It's fine that you don't agree with me. Not all foster homes are so bad. My brothers were there because their mother put them there and they had a wonderful adoption mother. I think people should have sex when they're ready for anything to happen because things happen that they don't want. I can understand you and that's good you think this way.
    Amethyst Violet:Some people don't want to get pregnant but their pill doesn't help or the condom breaks. Some girls are also raped. So I guess your waiting for something like this to happen. I just asked that question because I was wondering if you thought it was the first choice. I feel only women should have abortion if it's needed. Would you ever put your child up for adoption?
    AmorarEsDeVivir:You wrote a lot and it's okay to disagree. I can understand your point. That's fine! Don't worry.
    Ashuri:I love the way you answered this questions. I'm happy you agree with me. I agree with you!
    mischief managed.:When I say young I mean 13.What do you think? It's fine. You don't have to agree me with. I love your point but I just don't seem to agree with you a lot.
    Ai shi teru:You don't have to agree with me. That's fine! It's good how you answered these questions.
    so sedated.:I know you made a journal about this.I agree with you so much! But I mean the girls who are trifling and are offering to have sex about the age of 13. I love the way you answered these questions. Okay,thank you for telling me that you think there are too many questions.
    BananaPancakes.:You're crazy! But,I love you. :D
    A Change Of Pace.:It's fine that you don't agree with me. A 13 year old girl doesn't have to suffer and she shouldn't have the child. But some young girls are trifling and they share their body and they act like they want sex. Those are the girls I'm speaking of. When you get raped it's a hard decision and it's not your fault so that's a reason to give an abortion. If you're young some girls don't want to go through pregnancy but I know a lot of young girls who did go through this.
    v.I never said raising a child is easy. I don't want to have children now because I'm 14 and I feel as if I'm not old enough. I can understand for the people who are raped and that's a reason to give an abortion. Abortion is not what all girls want to do but sometimes they have too. My mother had her tubes cut tied and burned too and she ended up pregnant and lost my baby brother. I didn't mean to be ignorant. I guess you're thinking of what I wrote a different way. What way did you think I mean? I'm speaking of the young girls who think having children and raising them are so easy and they want to share their body to the world. I can understand what you're saying. It's fine to disagree with me. I'm not mad and I love your point. I wanted to see what every one had to say.
    July 3rd, 2010 at 03:20am
  • Jessica Jung

    Jessica Jung (100)

    United States
    This is so ignorant.
    My mother says if you don't want children then you shouldn't open your legs and have sex. I really believe she is correct and I agree with her so much.

    Its not as easy as that. JUST RAISE IT? JUST GIVE IT UP? You think its that easy?
    NO! its not! Sometimes it might have been an accident and you dont want to tell your parents, sometimes you might have gotten raped and you dont want people to know. I believe abortion is not murder. The child cant think breathe or process anything when you go to abort it. Its really shitty to put a child through the hell that adoption is. NOT ALL KIDS GET ADOPTED, plus there is so many kids in orphanages now. Yes If I had too, I would have an abortion and not look back. The baby cant feel anything. The parenting classes thing was uncalled for and made no sense, it just didnt help you prove your point. My mother got her tubes tyed and guess what nunu? I WAS STILL BORN.
    Condoms break all the darn time, and even if your on the pill/patch etc. theres still a chance of having a baby. You are not guaranteed protection. Pregnancy's are really bad, so yea abortion. You make it seem as if you have 3 options. You dont you have to consider so many factors, and you know what. Its not a baby:( Its an egg as in egg yolk or the correct term is embryo. Abortion is not the first choice, but its one of them. Abortion is not the means of getting rid of something you dont want. If your old enough to take care of it then by all means you should.
    July 2nd, 2010 at 12:35pm
  • Jorel Decker.

    Jorel Decker. (100)

    United States
    1. Not really.
    2. Becuase I personally believe that yeah, if you're old enough to have sex, you should be able to care for a baby, right? However, what if some thirteen year old girl was raped? Should she be forced to care for a child when she's barely a teenager herself?
    3. For the most part, I'll say that it's the mother's decision.
    4. I am a girl, and yes, if I got pregnant when I was fourteen, fifteen, or even sixteen, I definitely would have gone through with it. Having sex is my choice, having an abortion should be too, if I so please to get one. So even if I believe that most girls should'nt have sex if they're not ready to suffer the consequences, it all depends on their beliefs and their decisions. I tend to jump back and forth on the issue, as you can see,
    5. No, probably not. But when you're a pregnant teen, most of the time, it is.
    6. I've already stated this.
    7. No, not at all.
    8. Yes, I do. My aunt's had three, which I think is terrible. She's a grown woman, married, and has a son already. The whole reason why she got pregnant is 'cause she wasn't on any birth control and her husband wouldn't wear a condom [obviously]. And considering she's a married woman and a mother already, the fact that she doesn't want anymore children and wasn't on birth control in the first place just absolutely pisses me off to no end.
    9. It's their own decisions. I lost my virginity when I was fourteen, almost fifteen. I've had three sexual partners since then. But I'm also very careful about learning about their past sex lives. However, I must admit that I'm not the most careful person when it comes to birth control. >__>
    10. At the age I am now and with the partner I have, sure, I could probably do it. I'd like to be a young mother. But then again, I'd also like to attend a college of some sort, find a long-term job, and have a stable house/apartment. But if it happens, it happens. There's not too much I can do about it. 'Cause at the age I am now, I would without a doubt keep my child. If I had gotten pregnant when I was younger, I more than likely would've gotten an abortion.
    July 2nd, 2010 at 10:57am
  • Nanner.

    Nanner. (150)

    Bing bang walla walla wing wang.
    July 2nd, 2010 at 08:32am
  • so sedated.

    so sedated. (105)

    1. Meh.

    2. I already made this journal.

    3. It is murder, whether people don't think that. That is what I think and other people may disagree with me. That is how the world works, people are going to have different opinions and views on things.

    4. Never. Unless it was endangering my life or there was something wrong with the baby, other than that, absolutely not.

    5. No, but many people consider it to be - really, it should be thought over well before you decide fully.

    6. There is people out there that cannot have children, and are willing to raise a baby and give it a good home. What is wrong with that?

    7. Nope, because I made this exact journal.

    8. Mhm. A girl at my old school. She was barley fifteen though.

    9. No. I don't believe anyone under sixteen should be doing that, but shit happens.

    10. Possibly. I don't know, I've never been in that situation, and I highly doubt I would let myself get into that situation.

    {and there is way too many questions}
    July 2nd, 2010 at 08:20am
  • Airi.

    Airi. (2240)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    1. Not at all.
    2. I don't view abortion as murder because I don't view a fetus as a baby till it is born.
    3. Its the woman's choice. I'll leave it at that.
    4. If I knew I was an unable to care for it.
    5. Up to the women.
    6. It is not a miracle option. Its a good thing, but its still not a miracle option.
    7. Nope.
    8. Yes.
    9. Its their choice.
    10. At the moment, no. I have no job, am still in school, and way too immature.
    July 2nd, 2010 at 07:33am
  • moonyandpadfoot

    moonyandpadfoot (150)

    United States
    1. Nope.
    2. It's their choice. If they want to have an abortion, go ahead and do it. The 'baby' isn't even a baby yet. It's an embryo.
    3. Umm..same question?? ^^
    4. Yeah if I was too young.
    5. For some.
    6. It's decent.
    7. Not at all.
    8. No.
    9. Depends. How old is 'young'?
    10. At this age? No, but in the future, yeah.
    July 2nd, 2010 at 06:57am
  • Ashuri Chan

    Ashuri Chan (100)

    United States
    1. Do you agree with me? Yes
    2. Why or why not? you just said it but I will retype it: if you don't want a baby don't have sex!
    3. What do you think about abortion? I think it's wrong and I am against it
    4. Would you ever have abortion if you were a girl? No
    5. Is abortion supposed to be the first choice? I don't think it should ever be a choice
    6. What do you think about adoption? I would never put my child up for adoption
    7. Did I change your mind about what I said? No
    8. Do you know anyone who had an abortion? No and if I did, I wouldn't want to know them any longer
    9. Should young girls even have sex? No
    10. Would you be able to take care of a child on your own? Yes because I would only have a baby when I have money to support it.
    July 2nd, 2010 at 06:07am
  • AmorarEsDeVivir

    AmorarEsDeVivir (100)

    United States
    ...wow. Sorry for the novel. =/
    July 2nd, 2010 at 05:34am
  • AmorarEsDeVivir

    AmorarEsDeVivir (100)

    United States
    I disagree wholeheartedly. Especially the "if you don't want to have kids, then don't have sex" part. One, it basically portrays a baby as a punishment for irresponsibility. A bad one, at that, because the baby requires a lot MORE responsibility and if you're not responsible enough to make good choices, you SHOULDN'T have a kid. Two, because that's not always the case. Condoms break. My aunt had THREE KIDS (Twin girls and then another girl), all while on the pill! Women get raped. There are cases of incest. Hell, some women are told they're infertile and then realize they can, after all, conceive--only when they become pregnant!

    Besides that, while I agree that a fetus is a living thing, it is also a part of the mother's body. It only exists as long as she does. Therefore, I think the mother has the choice as to whether she wants to have something growing inside of her, attached to her. It's a two-sided coin.

    Parenting classes? If you can't afford to give your baby a good life, honey, you can't afford parenting classes.

    There are reasons other than "I don't want to tell my child they're a product of rape" that a woman wouldn't want to give birth to a child that was the product of rape. Maybe the fact that they'd have a lifelong reminder of what happened to them. The nine months carrying the seed of someone so despicable who hurt them that badly. The pain they have to go through, the complete alteration to their lives that they aren't ready for (because even if she gives the child up for adoption, that nine months will still be life-altering), because of something that was done TO her, that she never asked for or wanted.

    Women who go out and get drunk and get knocked up and think "Whoops, guess I'll have an abortion so I can go out drinking next weekend"? They're despicable. But they're not in the majority.

    Beyond that, there are so many legal ramifications that you aren't considering. Even the idea of adoption, hell, how many unwanted kids are there as it is? How many kids spend half their lives in an orphanage or foster home? You want to add to that number because women who get pregnant by accident when they took precautions and aren't able to take care of the child, should HAVE to give them up for adoption?

    I personally would never have an abortion. I am morally against it. But again, there are a lot of legal ramifications, and things to take into consideration other than the emotionally-loaded arguments, that make it hard for me to say that other women shouldn't be allowed to make that choice.

    I think that only leaves the last three questions unanswered.

    8. Not that I'm aware of. But it's none of my business.

    9. Depends how young. It's more about mental and emotional maturity, as well as general intelligence, than it is about age.

    10. Not financially, yet. But I don't plan on having children for at least another probably six or seven years, maybe longer. (I wouldn't mind waiting 'til I'm 30.) Even though aside from finances, I am capable of caring for a child (mentally/emotionally; having the time and love to invest in a child; knowing how to care for a child and even basic first aid type stuff that you learn in any child care course in high school), there are things I want to do for myself in life before I commit my life to raising another human being.
    July 2nd, 2010 at 05:34am
  • Bella Goes Away.

    Bella Goes Away. (860)

    schrei I love you too. :)
    July 2nd, 2010 at 04:48am
  • Amethyst Violet

    Amethyst Violet (200)

    1. Do you agree with me? Nope
    2. Why or why not? This world is full. If we can prevent an unwanted/unplanned for child from this world then I'd say do it. This world is dying. We don't have enough well anything for everyone on it, so why bring a child into it?
    3. What do you think about abortion? Mothers choice. Do it if you need to. But don't make it a birth control.
    4. Would you ever have abortion if you were a girl? I honestly don't know. I'm not pregnant. Our mines will change when we find out when we get pregnant
    5. Is abortion supposed to be the first choice? Who said that?
    6. What do you think about adoption? I think it's great
    7. Did I change your mind about what I said? Nope
    8. Do you know anyone who had an abortion? Yes I do.
    9. Should young girls even have sex? I personally think not
    10. Would you be able to take care of a child on your own? As of right now.. No.
    July 2nd, 2010 at 04:25am
  • flowersareforeating

    flowersareforeating (100)

    United States
    1. Sorry, but no

    2. -Adoption/ Foster Care System is terrible. I would know, three of my siblings were stuck in it for eight years.
    -it'snot just a problem for the mothers who were raped but the children have to live with the idea that their father was a rapist.
    Exaggerated example:
    "Sally what does your father do for living?"
    "Oh my father? I don't know besides the fact he was a rapist. Yeah have a beautiful father-daughter relationship."

    3. this is basically the same question as the two before

    4. I would only if I was going to die along with the child

    5. It shouldn't be but being human it's natural to just to panic before they can get their thoughts straight

    6. You already asked that

    7. Nope

    8. At school, probably.

    9. I personally think it''s best until the persons having sex are able to support a baby because you never know if you do end up becoming pregnant

    10. I can barely take care of myself, and I already made the decision to not have children because there is a high possibility I would pass on my illness to my kids. I don't want them to go through what I have to everyday.
    July 2nd, 2010 at 04:17am
  • courier six

    courier six (100)

    United States
    You ask way to many questions Nunu.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but an abortion can only be done safely sometime before the third month. Like you said, it's becoming a baby, but it isn't a baby at the time. And I'd rather abort; I think it's fucked up when a child doesn't have their birthparents. So I would abort it. And her abortion was necessary, the baby was fucking with her insides, she could have died if she didn't abort it. And I'm fifteen. I can't even fucking help myself, much less a baby.
    July 2nd, 2010 at 04:07am
  • ladyschrei

    ladyschrei (550)

    United States
    bella; I lovey you. ^-^ (Right way.)
    July 2nd, 2010 at 04:06am
  • Bella Goes Away.

    Bella Goes Away. (860)

    The "norm" of abortions occur before week 13. Which is when I think is the latest you should be allowed to abort - unless the woman's life is in danger. At that point it's still a FETUS that doesn't feel anything, had no dreams, thoughts, no mind, no heart, no nothing. It's NOT a person.

    I wouldn't do adoption because I'd keep the child, I thought it was obvious since I said I wouldn't have an abortion either.

    She had an abortion because she wanted to. She couldn't take care of a child, and she didn't want to go through something as trying as a pregnancy. Simple.
    July 2nd, 2010 at 04:04am
  • iiMzNunu

    iiMzNunu (100)

    United States
    v.So when there is a baby seen already and the girl asks for an abortion. That isn't murder at all?A fetus is building it's steps to transform into a baby.The options are raise it,adoption,abortion.What would you rather have an abortion or adoption?I think young girls shouldn't have sex but they still do.Why did they have abortion?Why don't you think you wouldn't be able to have a child and raise it?
    July 2nd, 2010 at 04:00am
  • courier six

    courier six (100)

    United States
    Abortion is killing little innocent babies that could've been born and could've been happy.

    That isn't necessarily true.

    1. No.
    2. A Fetus isn't a baby. That's why it's called a F-E-T-U-S.
    3. It isn't murder.
    4. Yes, if it were necessary.
    5. What other choice is there?
    6. I'd do it to.
    7. Not even in the slightest way.
    8. Yes.
    9. Young teenage girls shouldn't be having sex.
    10. Hell no.
    July 2nd, 2010 at 03:53am