Seeing each other to being exclusively in a relationship.. - Comments

  • fen'harel

    fen'harel (560)

    Well, the term "seeing each other" I take it as a step towards a serious relationship. It's like just the dating part, hanging out together, but not quite being official yet.

    I started that way with my now 5-year long relationship. We just weren't official, we met other people, kissed lots of frogs; then, when we knew that we weren't young anymore and we could actually last in a serious relationship, we took that step.

    This year, on November, we're celebrating our 6 year anniversary.

    However, if the whole "seeing each other" is being prolonged for too much time (let's say you've been seeing each other for like... a year, okay?) then there's a problem, because someone is not willing to take the next step towards commitment, meaning that the relationship is stuck in a point that seems comfortable for one of the people involved, resulting on the other person being unhappy.

    That's when "seeing each other" has turned into just a comfort zone and a way for one of them to see more girls without being committed.
    July 4th, 2010 at 01:56am
  • Miss.Darling

    Miss.Darling (100)

    United States
    Well, there's nothing wrong with you, first of all.
    The whole idea of " seeing eachother" to me is a very sexist concept. It's basically saying, from a guy's point of view, that he likes you but he also like's another chick so if he never takes it to the next level with either of you he can just prolong seeing both of you, therefore getting action times 2.
    Yeep. If a guy does that, to me, it pretty much tells me to lose him and find someone who isn't a complete douche.

    I hope I helped. Oh, and don't go off sleeping with multiple men just because others do it, can you say STD? haha.

    Check out my story The Spellbook
    July 4th, 2010 at 12:35am