I fell in love with a girl - Comments

  • emily you dont understand what i mean i would do anything to be with you for one night to forget everyone else and just be me and you driving around the car and park at a park and just talk like we used to just sit in a dark shady alley and talk it was nice but we cant your family hates me and i dont want to start more stuff i know i messed up so bad and i would do absolutely anything in the world to fix and i want to be friends with you and i will be friends with you but we couldnt talk we couldnt hang i cant even look at you its just the way it is. Remember when we used to have songs for everything mine for you and always will be If I lost it by Kenny Chesney it was the stupidest thing ive ever done hurting you and lying and cheating on you i will do anything to take it back but if you dont believe me i cant stand saying the word faithful because i cheated im a disgrace to all men now and im sorry i cant take it back but i will try to make it go away in my life and yours just dont hate me for loving you... im sorry emily i will be your friend but i will have to be a silent friend i dont want to fight with anyone anymore
    July 18th, 2010 at 07:44am
  • Actually, don't as much as breathe or blink in my general direction.
    July 16th, 2010 at 04:30am
  • I forgot what me being nice to you gets me, spit on and a big side plate of NOTHING BUT CRAP. I also forgot irritating and dog-faced you are, thanks for reminding me. Don't try contacting me anymore because we are no longer cool. I know your king when it comes to screwing up because, lets face facts, you do it better than anyone I know but your really screwin the pooch on this one kid.

    P.s. You really should start living your own life and grow up into your
    "Big boy pants", and stop letting other people push you around and control your whole entire life. Delete yourself off this website, delete my brother off your facebook, and don't look or speak or have anything come out your mouth that involves me again.
    July 16th, 2010 at 04:28am
  • we cant...
    July 15th, 2010 at 08:53pm
  • We are two very different people, you and I. You might still be in love with "that girl", but I'm not "that girl" anymore. I'm this totally other person now, and to be honest, I don't think you'd like her much. I can't be your lover or girlfriend, but I can be your friend. And I don't think at all it's that your "in love with me", because I really do think your in love with Taylor, but I think you just miss the friendship part of our relationship. I miss it too, actually. We were really close, hell, you were my bestfriend. So that's what I have to offer you, my friendship. =]
    July 15th, 2010 at 05:57pm