Everything's Pretty Sexy, and Questions. - Comments

  • It seems noone knows about the hobos o_O
    July 15th, 2010 at 11:52pm
  • 1.) Uhh, good question.
    2.) Yess :D
    3.) I have, but it failed.
    4.) I have lots. xD
    5.) That is a good question. Hmm.
    July 15th, 2010 at 11:51pm
  • 1.) When I was six I gave my friend my glasses for a glow in the dark crayon.
    2.) Love 'em:)
    3.) Yup!
    4.) Me and my friend, Morning, stood in the middle of the produce section and did the handshake that Taylor Swift did in that SNL skit:) Ya know?
    Hay is for horses and chickens and fish!
    Hit me three times and I'll grant you a wish!
    One, two, three!
    Barackabackabackabacka, Barackabackabackabacka, Barackabackabackabacka!
    Barack Obama!

    5.) Hmm... That's a really good question.
    July 15th, 2010 at 11:47pm
  • 1. Hmmm... I've never really traded anything before. My friends and I are usually just generous enough to give and not take.
    2. OH YES. <3
    3. Yeah, I don't recall it ever working out though. So more like "attempted."
    4. There have been many with my cousin. Probably when we bought a disposable camera and took pictures of us in old lady underwear and grabbed giant bras and basically messed around in the whole store.
    5. That is an excellent question. I've never thought about that.
    July 15th, 2010 at 11:38pm
  • 1. my room for a can of purple paint that i was going to use for my room!
    2. nope. some songs XD
    4.when I bought a magazine no where else found where I live in stores!
    5.they find it in the garbage can or steal it from the poor girl who lends them it meaning ME! some hobos are mean! XD
    July 15th, 2010 at 11:36pm
  • 1. Hmm, giving my brother some money so he would stop talking:/.
    2. Like? Please. More like love! I want the new CD so badly!
    3. Plenty o' times.
    4. When me and my friends were at the mall and we went in there and we were throwing balls and playing with the exercise equipment and other junk. Fun times. :D
    5. Hmm, I don't know. Maybe they borrow 'em?
    July 15th, 2010 at 11:35pm