Death? - Comments

  • As humans we all share one thing: we're going to die at some point. I do in fact believe in God and when He takes someone of great importance and at a young age like that, I believe He is in fact taking that person to become somebodies angel.

    Besides, you're only fourteen, don't worry about all of this now. You've got a life to live.

    I honestly do not believe that people who commit suicide go straight to Hell. I just honestly don't. I believe that God will save those who lived a good life and did good things, but will let the bad seeds go to hell. When someone commits suicide, there is usually a damn good reason for it. It's usually a mental thing. We cannot see nor understand the plagues that eat away at their minds and cause them to believe that killing themselves would be the best way. Anyway, I just don't think all people who commit suicide go to Hell.

    And about you crying more over Jimmy than your Grandmother. That's perfectly normal, I believe. Through his music and seeing him/hearing his talent, you grew close to him and had more compassion towards him than you did your grandmother. Perhaps you weren't very close to her, while on the other hand you felt closer to Jimmy, not really knowing him being put aside.

    Other than that, I didn't find this very morbid or depressing at all. It's only curiosity. We all wonder about it. Besides, I'm at the lowest I can get right now with my bipolar, so I'm all up for talking about death and whatnot.
    July 16th, 2010 at 03:56pm
  • Hmmm, Death is everyone's common destination. No matter how they lived, they're still going to die. What's beyond? No one has any idea. All I can say is that you have to live your life to the fullest. :D
    Don't be afraid of what lies ahead, you will cross the bridge when you get to it.
    I know its terrifying but whatever it is, everyone has to go through it right?
    Don't worry, yeah. :P
    July 16th, 2010 at 01:26pm