A day that just makes you go.... - Comments

  • ghosthorse

    ghosthorse (100)

    United States
    What's up with kids now-a-days? CPS.

    Some of my neighbors recently moved, and we could not be happier. They had lived next door to us for 10 years, and when they had first moved in their youngest was about 1. Over the years their youngest (a girl might I add) and friends were in the habit of climbing our trees, fence, and roof, and threw their trash in our front yard and back yard. They broke limbs from our trees, and our fence took a heavy beating from three to five roughly 90lb bodies pulling on it daily. Several times my mom talked to their parents, and they never did anything about it. Then it got to the point that my mom would yell at the kids, but they knew nothing would happen to them so they would come back to tear up our property later.

    Now that they are gone, our trees have never been so perky and our yard doesn't look like dump. Not to mention our dogs no longer have pencils, rocks, or balls thrown at them.

    I think anyone should be allowed to spank their kids. My parents grew up picking their own switches, and they rarely misbehaved afterward. I grew up with parents who know what a switch is, which means I know what a switch is. I was rarely spanked, but then again, I was taught to mind. My cousins are horrible, and their mother does not raise even her voice to them, my grandma is the one to keep them in line. I am embarrassed that I'm related to poorly behaved children.
    July 28th, 2010 at 11:08am