Homosexuality a sin? I Don't Think so!!! - Comments

  • I don't think they have to like it, especially if they are uncomfortable about it, but they don't have to go as far as abuse people. I've known a heterosexual guy who was assaulted by a homosexual guy and I've known a heterosexual girl assaulted a homosexual guy. So it works both ways. Literally.

    I just graduated but my old high school didn't really care. If you were a gay guy, you were actually cool. All the girls would flock to you. If you were a gay female, you would be in with the guys and some girls just don't care so they'd be your friend too. If you were a jerk, gay or straight, male or female, they'd hate on you.
    August 4th, 2010 at 12:18am
  • Where I used to live, no one really cared. Everyone respected each other for being themselves.

    I just moved here, so I have no idea how things work at my new school. I've lived in the same house before, but went to a different school than everyone else.

    There will always be people that do or don't like homosexuals, and it's up to you to choose what you'll do about it. They're entitled to their own opinion, but it's not right if they're going to go around and start rumors about people or beat a kid up because of his own.
    July 30th, 2010 at 06:18am
  • I hate when people are homophobic. Makes me sad that I live in a society were I have to be scared for my own well being. I'm not saying all people are so narrow-minded, but most are sadly. =/
    July 30th, 2010 at 06:03am
  • I've gone through my fair share of abuse for my sexuality. Its sad when someone can't be accepted for their sexuality.

    I don't agree that its a sin, but then again, I also don't believe in a god.
    July 30th, 2010 at 06:00am
  • Nagi personally does not care one way or the other about gay/lesbian people/population/whatever the correct term is. It does not affect her, thus she refuses to have an opinion, other than every girl needs a gay best friend <3 She dun know if every guy needs a lesbian friend though, as she falls under neither category.

    Some idiot, I forget who, (not a Mibbian) claimed that gays shouldn't be allowed to adopt, as their homes are the breeding grounds for homosexuality.

    To quote the comedian who said this: "I'm only going to explain this once: STRAIGHT households are the breeding grounds for homosexuality"

    I promptly almost died from lack of oxygen to my brain. BUT, that is besides the point =D

    And Nagi does not agree with her religions views on homosexuality.
    We claim that God made everything, and that nothing was a mistake.
    Gay people claim they were born that way.
    Thus, using that knowledge, and the booming population, she has concluded (as stupid as this seems, so prepare yourself) It is God's ways of population control (GEEZ NAGI! THAT SOUNDS MEAN!) Shut up voice. If they gays are enjoying themselves, and adopting little children, then you have no reason to speak. And Nagi does not see the problem.

    So go for it, folks <3

    **edited for my failure at grammar
    July 30th, 2010 at 05:56am
  • Basically, on Mibba, no one's really a homophobe. Some may disagree, but that's their choice and they don't blatently brag about it.
    It does suck that he's getting abused, but there's not much you can do other than to be his friend. It's him against everyone it seems.
    July 30th, 2010 at 05:54am
  • I really do feel the same way.
    Where I live it's pretty accepting.
    My high school has a GSA, Gay Straight Alliance, and I guess people don't pick on others much.
    Sure we have our handful of homophobic people where I live, but like I say, it isn't that bad.
    I have to point out you spelled "absurd" wrong. :c
    I'm a bit big in spelling.
    July 30th, 2010 at 05:51am