English Speech Opinions? + QUESTIONS (: - Comments

  • Thanks guy (: I hope it all goes well.
    August 21st, 2010 at 02:32am
  • It's got analytical elements, that's a winner for me (:
    Read it through either out loud or in your head and chose the bits you emphasise naturally. You'll be fine.

    1. My last speech was ... I wrote one for my english coursework but I had to give 3 for my Head Girl campaign. I was very proud of them, but I threw them out as soon as I was done with them :L
    2. It's 4.55pm here in England and I'm bored :L
    3. Yes! I love that film! It's so funny and the contrast between the accents cracks me up all the time.
    4. Ooo tough choice ... I'd have to say Harry Potter, because the movies were a credit to the books - save for the Prisoner of Azkaban.
    5. 1st December. I'm 18 this year! Not excited yet though ...
    August 20th, 2010 at 05:58pm
  • Honestly, I like the speech. And, the song isn't bad itself. I hate that kind of music, but that song grew on me.
    I'm useless with constructive criticism. It's just one of the many things God forgot to give me.

    1. My last speech was in year 7. That was three years ago. And I believe it was on who inspired us. Mine was on Kurt Cobain (:
    2. It is 11:31pm. >.<
    3. Is that the one where the girl is shipped off to England 'cause her father can't handle her? If so, yes.
    4. "Harry Potter" all the way! Been a fan since I could read (:
    5. My birthday is on the 10th of September, same day as Mikey Way, bassist of My Chemical Romance.
    August 20th, 2010 at 03:33pm