I cannot describe how amazing this feeling was. I had never felt so happy in all of my life ( London + Pictures + Questions) - Comments

  • Mat Devine

    Mat Devine (250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    v. the play is brand new :)
    It's only on this summer, and well, I'm a big fan of David Suchet. It's an incredible play and is very powerful. Right now I feel that, Musicals, for me, just won't cut it. I like them and all, but I love plays that are spoken so much more, there's so much power and emotion in those kinds of plays. I'm probably just getting old though ;)

    You don't like We Will Rock You?! D: I love it! I've seen it a lot now and sometimes I actually prefer the theatre version to the real version of some of the Queen songs.

    I shall check those songs out, but I'm watching a Will Friedle movie from 1999. You probably have no idea who I'm talking about right? He's in Boy Meets World. He plays my favourite character :D

    is it really that freaky? I'm trying to find a really cool picture of Will Friedle to be my ava :D
    August 28th, 2010 at 02:54am
  • Benjamin Barker

    Benjamin Barker (105)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Mat - I’ve never seen - or heard of - that. Last night? That’s great! I don’t think It’ll be before then though, but I’m really glad you had a great time J

    Wicked is on my list. My sister says it’s amazing.

    Ah, yes, Jean Valjean. Do you mean where he rips open his shirt to reveal a convict tattoo? Such a powerful and brilliant moment, one of my favourite songs, too. I used to watch it on TV when I was four, certain ones I’ve always remembered, others I’ve recognized once heard again. I was obsessed with I Dreamed A Dream. I only knew it by “But the tigers come at night” by name xD
    If you can, I’d really see it as soon as possible. It’s the most amazing, breathtaking thing I’ve ever seen. Out of every sight in the world that I have clasped eyes upon, Les Miserables is the best thing. It is the best thing I will ever see.

    Ooh! I want to choose a different one for you. Hmm. Do You Hear The People Sing? or Red and Black/ The ABC Cafe.

    God, that’s a nice little list xD
    Ouch, We Will Rock You. I hate it. Gah, I really, really can’t stand it. I’m fine with Queen, just that show.

    Your avatar is freaky. I might need to change mine now, so that I don’t feel quite so freaked out. I don’t know how that works, it just does xD
    August 28th, 2010 at 02:45am
  • Benjamin Barker

    Benjamin Barker (105)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Goatie - Thank you. I miss you, we never talk anymore D:

    Todd is good. It's a whole different league to Les Mis, though.
    Youtube "One Day More 10th anniversary cast" or "Red and Black/ The ABC Cafe".
    I think my school may be doing Todd this year, I am so trying out :D
    August 28th, 2010 at 02:11am
  • Mat Devine

    Mat Devine (250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    aaaaahhh that sounds amazing!!
    I was in the West end last night, I FINALLY got to see All My Sons in the theatre. I have the exact same feelings for that play as you had for Les Miserables. Just, it's indescribable. I've never seen or heard of the play before (I, of course, know the author of the play because he wrote 'Death of A Salesman') and I was just in awe of the beauty of it. It was heartbreaking and really just, I've never been so moved by actor's on stage. Zoe Wanamaker (My Family) and David Suchet (Poirot) where so brilliant in their roles, I believed them from start to finish and I've never been so shocked by family feuds and the loss of hope. The actor who played the son was also excellent. If you ever go back to london before October 2nd, go see it. It's such an incredible preformance from the actors, I loved everything that they did and I, too, wouldn't change any of it.

    sorry...I blabbered. But I do plan on seeing the play a second time before going back to school :D

    1. Blood Brothers, it's raw and it's powerful. I loved it so very much :)
    2. Wicked. Although I've become more of a spoken word play viewer.
    3.I've seen half of it on stage, when I was 6. I forget what it was about, I remember one of the main guys ripping off his military uniform and having jail clothes underneath. But my mum claimed it was boring and the whole family left ealr coz of her.
    4. To tube a certain song? ohhh youtube. Yea of course :D
    5. Yes, I forget the name of some of them. But off the top of my head, Les Miserables (half) Lion King, Phantom Of The Opera (x3), We Will Rock You (x3), Hair, West Side Story, Beauty and The Beast, Little shop of horrors, blood brothers, Don Juan, Christmas Carol, Mamma Mia. I remember one so well, but I don't remember the name of it for the life of me :/
    6. Scarramoche from We Will Rock You :D
    7. I don't know any D:
    August 28th, 2010 at 02:10am
  • jasonsudekis

    jasonsudekis (100)

    I'm so happy that you had a good time, friend!

    1. Sweeney Todd.
    2. Not in my immediate future.
    3. I've never seen it.
    4. Sure thing, bro!
    5. Not many.
    6. Mrs. Lovett.
    7. Would if I could.
    August 28th, 2010 at 01:58am
  • Benjamin Barker

    Benjamin Barker (105)

    Great Britain (UK)
    V. Mine’s Calam, as I grew up wanting to be her J
    No, not despicable D:
    I’ll make it up to you, promise, anything you want… But I won’t do that ;)

    Oh, isn’t it? I was on a high for ages after that.
    Eric is a mystery. Half the people I speak to say he’s a villain, the other half say misunderstood. I don’t believe he’s a villain, he was just prone to be like that, after the traumas of his past. Christine spoke to him, he couldn’t help becoming obsessed. With Raoul, she has security, yet with Phantom, there’s something a lot more vague, yet appealing. I believe that the key to interpreting Christine’s feelings is through the song Past The Point Of No Return, at which point she realises it’s Phantom.
    Which is your favourite Phantom song, can I ask? :D

    I almost cried at Phantom, but I wasn’t quite there. It’s funny. Everyone told me I was going to cry at Phantom, and I didn’t, yet no-one told me I would cry at Les Miserables, and I cried from Valjean’s soliloquy onwards.

    It is the show. You haven’t lived until you’ve seen it. It’s an experience like no other, so overwhelming.

    I could talk about both of these musicals until the end of all things, sorry If I ramble xD
    August 28th, 2010 at 01:44am
  • chemical romantics.

    chemical romantics. (210)

    Great Britain (UK)

    YOU DON'T HAVE THAT ONE?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!
    despicable; its my favourite, yo! D:

    Dude, Phantom of the Opera is like amazing. ASFDGFJKSDBFSF
    I understand why she does it too and I think Erik is an amazing character but really? Really?! Breaks my heart, it really does. *sniff*

    There is indeed a reason Les Mis is as hyped as it is. Its not just a show, its thee show. You've not seen theatre until you've seen Les Mis.
    August 28th, 2010 at 01:27am
  • Benjamin Barker

    Benjamin Barker (105)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Rain Your avatar just reminded me, do you know that Nick Jonas played Marius for a while?

    Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-check it out:
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LxJx14 myJ0

    Casey - Ah, I adored it! Every time I go it gets better and better. I'm desperate to move there.

    Phantom's amazing. It was my favourite until I saw Les Miserables.
    22!? You're making it hard to not get jealous xD

    I love Lover Come Back. The VIP Girl's accent is so cute, too.
    I have two box sets, so I might watch something I've never seen before.

    I'm crazy about Disney (and musicals). I don't think they took it over, they just interpreted it in a different way, like many other forms of media and companies long before.

    V. That, my dear, is why I love you. You need to be the Marius to my Cosette. Though I love Eponine xD
    Oh, so true! Everyone loves Les Mis. It's inevitable.

    Phantom was the eye-opener for me, too. It's what really got me so involved with theatre, again. The first musical I ever paid attention to was Les Miserables, but I was too young to remember, until I heard it again. Phantom introduced me back into the musical world.

    I'd love to play Christine. I can understand why she does it, at the end, as much as I don't want to.

    August 28th, 2010 at 01:17am
  • chemical romantics.

    chemical romantics. (210)

    Great Britain (UK)
    1. Phantom of the Opera, hands down.
    2. PotO and Les Miserables, :D
    3. Yes! Who doesn't?
    4. If I was on my laptop and it wasn't broken. 'Cause this computer has no sound.
    5. A few most of which I was too young to honestly remember the name(s) of. Phantom was definitely the eye-opener for me though. I fell in love... and I thought the book was good. PSH.
    6. Christine; even though I get irritated with her to the end - and I totally can't sing. D:<
    7. The Thrill of It All?
    August 28th, 2010 at 01:00am
  • Agathokakological..

    Agathokakological.. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Nice to see you enjoyed London so much. I guess I'm lucky to live in London.

    1. The Phantom of the Opera. I watched it in New York (broadway), it was beautiful.
    2. I don't plan on seeing many more (depends if there are any good ones) I've already watched about 22
    3. YES! It's an amazing show to watch.
    4. Chances by Athlete
    5. Tooooooo Many to list.
    6. Bonnie from Bonnie & Clyde
    7. Lover come back.

    Disney things annoy me because they took over the original Brothers Grimm. :/
    August 28th, 2010 at 12:53am
  • Rain_2010

    Rain_2010 (100)

    United States
    My friend is going to college in London ^^
    August 28th, 2010 at 12:48am
  • Benjamin Barker

    Benjamin Barker (105)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Rain - I had the soundtrack for my birthday, and it's such a great movie. One of the best Disney movies, I'd say. Alas, my heart belongs to The Little Mermaid and Pocahontas<3

    You'd adore Phantom, it's an amazing performance.
    Erm, what about an alternate music site? xD

    Oh, how were they? I really want to see Cats!

    Phantom is an excellent role, I can't imagine what an Honor it must be to play.
    Doris Day is an actress. Have you ever heard of By The Light Of The Silvery Moon or Calamity Jane?

    London, how I adore thee. I plan to live there one day :D
    August 28th, 2010 at 12:46am
  • Benjamin Barker

    Benjamin Barker (105)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Do it, 10th anniversary cast :D

    I like Hairspray, but I don't love it. There's a lot of musicals I love, the ones above, mainly. I just feel like it isn't as good, more novelty. Gah, I can't explain it!

    Doris Day is an actress active from about the fifties to the seventies.
    August 28th, 2010 at 12:39am
  • Rain_2010

    Rain_2010 (100)

    United States
    1. Beauty and the Beast, Because I always loved the movie
    2. I really wanted to see Phantom of The Opera
    3. Never seen it
    4. no I hate youtube
    5. Yes: Cats, The Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, thats it
    6. A Phantom, I think it would be pretty cool
    7. Who is Doris Day?

    Man I wish I could afford to go to London. It's always been my dream well one of them
    August 28th, 2010 at 12:36am
  • wicked ways

    wicked ways (100)

    1. Hairspray! It's so amazing and it's just ajfjhd wonderful.
    2. Nup.
    3. Idk.
    4. Probably.
    5. Aladdin, Scrooge and some weird christmas kids thing I saw on a school tour when I was like six. 0.0
    6. Tracey from Hairspray!
    7. Doris Day, Idk wtf that is.
    August 28th, 2010 at 12:36am