Questions - Love. - Comments

  • I would stop talking to him bt thats the point, ill finally stop talking to him and then as soon as i stop he 'needs' to talk to me. OR i need to ask him for something of mine back..its like a circle and i keep going round and round
    September 1st, 2010 at 02:23pm
  • 1) If you're still talking to him, stop. You won't get over him if he's still in your life, trust me. I'm all for ex's being friends, but if you're still in love with him then get away from him for a while. Having him around will remind you about why you like him, but if you have a chance to be yourself, alone, you'll feel better.
    2) No, it's totally normal.
    3) It is possible, but everything happens for a reason. If he has a girlfriend, respect that and don't ask him to go back to you when he's still dating her. People did that to my then-boyfriend, and it's not a nice feeling. If he ends up single and you still have feelings for him, try then. But if he's with somebody else then I'm sorry, but the chances are he feels differently about you now.

    Try talking to him about how you feel, but don't try and rush back into a relationship.
    August 31st, 2010 at 03:13pm
  • After reading your journal,
    I just think you need closure.
    I'm thinking that you are holding on because you think he could possibly come back. And there is a chance he might, but he's got a girlfriend right now. Next time you see him, try telling him that you just need some space to clear things up between you and him. That it's kind of confusing... maybe he can clear some of it up for you if you just ask?

    Half-Blood Princess has a last resort. If you find someone else to love, you might be able to get over him. But i agree with TGMDS, it's sh*t. Sometimes it works, because you might find someone who was better than him, or you could end up heartbroken and in the same place.

    I hate the fact that my comment sounded pushy and a little rude, but that's my opinion straight up :)

    Just talk to him sweety :)

    August 31st, 2010 at 02:40pm
  • haha i tried the whole finding someone else to love, and well honestly i think thats shit, trying to replace people isn't my thing. Ever person that enters my life somehow plays there own character and is never to be replaced by a new actor.
    Love - its not my thing it never really was HAH.
    So i understand having to be patient and wait for that.
    It's more so the whole no falling out of love with such a prick yet.
    Maybe i should throw food at him when I'm bored. That could help.
    August 31st, 2010 at 01:08pm
  • 1. Find someone else to love; that helps a lot
    2. No. I'm like that. But I got over him a while ago but it took quite a while
    3. Yes. Sometimes we need to move away from something to see how much they meant to us.
    So maybe he just hasn't waken up yet but stay possitive :)
    August 31st, 2010 at 01:00pm