Fear - Comments

  • @ Jesus Christ, I don't want to take it to the police because he's a very well known guy and I'm one of the 'gothic freaks' as society calls it so it'd probably get thrown out. =/

    @ AmorarEsDeVivir, I'm sorry about that happening to you too. =/ And yeah, I'll just try to avoid him. I'll ignore him the next time he tries to flag me down or do as you said.

    @ I would... but I'm scared to. I don't want my mom doing anything that'll get her in trouble because I know that she'll go and kick his butt (my mommy's so cool like that). But if anything else happens after this, I will go to them.
    September 2nd, 2010 at 12:27am
  • I'd tell your parents about the whole thing.
    September 1st, 2010 at 11:42pm
  • Yeah, there was an old guy whom I avoid as much as possible now because he always gave harmless compliments, but one summer day while I was on a walk he invited me into his house for some lemonade because it was about 90 degrees out--he pointed at this calendar of naked woman, points out a blonde with hug breasts, gives this disgusting smirk, and tells me she reminds him of me.

    Uhhhhh thanksforthelemonadegottagobye. He always asked for hugs and everything too. He never took it that far though, and I'm sorry to hear that. =( I'd say just...avoid him if you can, and if he stops you, do what I do and make up some bullshit about how you're in a hurry for (insert excuse here).
    September 1st, 2010 at 11:42pm
  • Uh, I don't know. Go to the police?
    September 1st, 2010 at 11:40pm