30 Days of Prompt: Day 1 - Comments

  • Awwww. Sad day. :( Yeah, our school is the only one in our city that has a debate team, which sucks, because it means we can never host a tournament, since our district hates us. :p But Arizona is actually a pretty good state for Forensics (the official name for Debate.) We've had a few national out-rounders in the past few years. :D
    September 5th, 2010 at 10:02pm
  • Oh, goody. I'm not the only one who's behind. XD

    You're performing at Carnegie Hall? That is so bad ass. And I'm jealous that your school has a debate team. I always wanted one, but we didn't have any interest. :(
    September 4th, 2010 at 08:08pm