I remember...I've always been a self-destructive kid.. For 6 years..since 3rd grade.. - Comments

  • CrazyBitchh

    CrazyBitchh (100)

    I started slicing myself up when I was in grade 6, 11 years old, people don't expect that from an 11 year old, everyone just assumed those scratches on my wrists were from a cat, or a scrape. Nobody ever knew except my close friends, so I just continued doing it, and the cuts got deeper and deeper. My biggest scars are on my legs, they're pretty noticeable and indented. Self-abuse is an addiction, I like you also warn other's against doing it... once you start, you can't stop. I "quit" in grade9, but there are always those damn triggers that set me off occasionally. Good for you for educating, sadly cutting, and hurting oneself, has become a growing "trend" and if these kid's aren't careful that are doing it, they're going to wind up with the big scars too.
    September 25th, 2010 at 07:15pm
  • Loveless!

    Loveless! (100)

    United States
    that's a good example i'm happy for you!

    that friend of yours who lied to you was never a good person while you are! your a great person you've been showing it! although I don't know you you seem like someone who is a strong person with lost of hope & a good heart
    September 25th, 2010 at 07:07pm