Will you take some time to be a bit profound, today? (Opinions are a controversial topic... >.>) - Comments

  • CC;

    CC; (205)

    What is right and what is wrong, is black and white, and every shade in between.

    I'm going to admit right now, that I have my morals, I have my ethics, and I stand by them very strongly. Why? Because I believe that they make me a better person. And I guess, some of them aren't too bad for other people. Others though... eh, I don't think about it in that much detail.

    Just about everything you said here was pretty right.

    Here's an example of opinions that pisses me off.

    Here in Australia, every state is pitching together and coming up with solutions to help fix the River Murray problem. Now, this wouldn't normally bother me, if not for the fact that every state has it's own opinion, and Victoria and New South Wales have banded together to act upon their ideas. So their actions, they're great for VIC and NSW. They're pretty set as far as the Murray Darling Basin is concerned. But what they've done, is closed all their locks and stopped the water flowing out of the Murray Mouth. Which is located down in the bottom of South Australia. It's taken over a year for flood waters to finally reach SA, because of the actions of others. While their actions have set them up comfortably, livelihoods have been destroyed in another state and the land all but destroyed by salt basins that have cropped up from the lack of flowing water.

    That was a slight rant, my bad.

    Oh, here's another one. Everyone who's all like, "omfg I hate Obama he's evil and crap!" and all that shit. I hear people here saying that. I want to hit them. American politics are of no concern for us. People have been so busy proclaiming Obama as the Anti-Christ that they've let our own government fall into chaos with Julia Gillard as prime minister and Bob fucking Katter as one of the key players in selecting our government. If only the Australian Sex Party could rule.

    I'm done now. Hah. My comment is probably as long as your journal and I'm probably showcasing everything you've ranted about in your journal. HAH.

    I'm done.
    October 6th, 2010 at 01:58am
  • flyer.

    flyer. (850)

    United States
    I don't think you're wrong, exactly....but I'm curious as to how you define morals. My opinions are not, neccesarily, based on my morals. I suppose you could boil it down to being based on morals indirectly, but it all depends on what you see as a moral. For instance...I personally, would not abort. Yet I believe in abortion, because I believe in free choice. Can you call believing in free choice a moral, for instance?
    I love dexter's quote, by the way xD
    October 6th, 2010 at 01:24am
  • dexter

    dexter (450)

    v I'm surprised nobody else commented. ):

    Gray, white, or not even a color. o.o
    October 6th, 2010 at 12:03am
  • Elijah Jane

    Elijah Jane (105)

    United States
    v. Squee! Ah, thanks so much. :) I'm glad someone has something to say.

    And, yeah. Right and wrong is so....gray.
    October 5th, 2010 at 11:47pm
  • dexter

    dexter (450)

    Ah, but this journal should be directed at Mibba, at everyone actually. And I agree with you wholeheartedly. Moral, or at least what I think of morals: there is no right or wrong, just what we're led to believe is "right or wrong". :\

    My favorite quotes goes along the lines of: "We have a right to speak our minds, not an obligation to do so.
    October 5th, 2010 at 11:45pm