IDEAS! 10.10.10 - Comments

  • fat lamb

    fat lamb (105)

    United States
    Vivere la vita? Oooh, how do you say that? Means "see you later" I'm guessing?

    Don't worry about copying my ideas, because you're not. Just because one person writes a story about vampires and humans falling in love doesn't mean it's off limits to everyone else. Same goes with stories about people with wings. So don't fret about it. I'd like to hear more about this story idea though. (:

    Also, I'm not really an avid writer anymore. It's a saddening fact, but I really don't write anymore. I was to change that current status, but lately I've been more focused on my art and books to read (even though my focus is too poor for reading as much).

    A toute a l'heure!
    October 14th, 2010 at 04:26am