Complaining About Life - Comments

  • WhereItGetsReal

    WhereItGetsReal (100)

    United States
    Thanks for the stuff about my ex, he's starting to open up again! (:

    As for that 'current' boyfriend, well he's not very current anymore. Found out that he cheated on my with the stupid whore that he was with while I was waiting for him. So screw him!

    And my grades, ahhh I'm still struggling a little in that area. I brought most of them up except Bio. I hear I'm not the only one having problems in that class though!

    Thanks a bunch for all the advise you gave me(:
    November 4th, 2010 at 03:39am
  • LightHearted

    LightHearted (100)

    United States
    About your ex, well, sometimes people don't have to open up to you at the moment in order for you to help them. If he is being stubborn, and you really want to help, I say don't let it stop you; help him. That could be anything from getting his friends to make more plans with him, or even sending him that meaningful inbox message that lets him know plenty are out there that care and are listening, and don't want to hear the breaking news of his death.

    About your current boyfriend, jealousy can be a pain, and so can guys. All I can say is maybe after giving a round of hugs to your girl friends, give him an extra special one, maybe whispering "I love you" or something, depends what kind of guy he is. For hugging guys though, that can be tough to manage with, I'd just say stick with arm hugs or informal greetings like high fives and what not.

    About the grades, I feel ya... my grades are terrible and I'm normally the smart one. I can't really give advice here, seeing that we are both trapped in the same hole, but I will wish you luck about everything that gives you stress. Just think about it, if things are so crappy now, they can only get better from here, and if they could get crappier, just be glad they aren't right now. :)
    October 11th, 2010 at 08:30am