{Birthday Presents, Is This Love?, & Questions} - Comments

  • Screw Formality.

    Screw Formality. (100)

    -I say stick with the shirt.
    -Not at all, I forget what it is but it says that love is fire. and usually stems from hatred. yeah so it's normal.
    -Sure okay i went out with my best friend, but it felt like i was about to kiss my cousin so i didn't and i was confiding with one of my friends about it, and i said that i was going to break up with him. She then told someone who told someone etc. and he found out and dumped me first via msn. it's taken two years to restore our friendship.

    Bye the way all is fair in love and war. Fight for the right of your man don't let other girls get in the way.
    October 18th, 2010 at 11:14am